XenClient Best Practices Series - Disable Local VM Creation

10:42 AM
XenClient Best Practices Series - Disable Local VM Creation -

Updated 09/02/2012

With a click of the mouse, administrators can establish XenClient policies in the Synchronizer to control what users are allowed to do so. There are also commands that can be executed on the client to monitor the user in other ways. Admins may want to prevent users from creating or deleting local virtual machines, for example, if the system is used in a kiosk or at school. Admins may also want to prevent users from upgrading the software to ensure that XenClient XenClient and Synchronizer remain on the same version. To run these commands on a XenClient system, just open a terminal window (Ctrl-Shift-T), type the command, and press Enter.

Disable local VM Creation

By default, XenClient users can create virtual machines.

If an administrator wants to prevent users from creating virtual machines, they can execute the following command:

false download set xec vm -Creation-authorized

After executing the command, users can not create or VM.

Disable VM deletion

default, XenClient users can delete a VM by pointing to it, click details , then clicking Clear

An administrator can disable this feature by running the following command :.

xec vm-delete-authorized false set

After executing the command, the ability to delete a virtual machine can not be selected.

Disable software updates

Default the XenClient users can update the XenClient software by pointing to a web server and clicking on Check for update button

a administrator can remove the ability to update the XenClient software by running the following command :.

xec set ota -upgrades-allowed false

After executing the command, the Check for Updates option disappears.

Of course, all these commands can be reversed by running them again and change "false" to "true".

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