Wow, where to start.
thereSeveral weeks OnLive launched its desktop offering at CES, and got media attention a set of public-centered to connect to a Windows computer from an iPad. The public apparently did not realize that more than 1,500 Citrix service providers have done the same thing for years to all kinds of devices, and the growth of their business like crazy from month to month.
Can OnLive took a few pot shots at Citrix. I began to compose an answer, but Computerworld ( "a trainwreck") Gabe Knuth ( "no desktop virtualization solution you are looking for") and industry analysts such as Gartner ( "may present Microsoft licensing risks" ) took over for us. the most serious concern was of course the apparent license transgressions, as we all know now that there are no SPLA to VDI
OnLive continued rhetoric and rumors began to run wild -.? Do they have some special offer with Microsoft Why Microsoft has not said anything are they secretly struck a union More than a few emails we CSPs? sent asking us to, in turn, ask Microsoft, "Wilco Tango Foxtrot?" (Or the euphemism used my son, "Welcome to Facebook!")
And then finally this Joe's blog Matz, Corporate Vice President, Worldwide Licensing Price, Microsoft, set it right. Not only does it clearly says that OnLive must be "in a duly authorized scenario", but also more importantly validated that each CSP and knows today, "Microsoft partners who host under the license agreement of the service provider ( "SPLA") may bring some desktop functionality such as service using Windows Server and Remote desktop services. under this solution, the partner is free to offer this service any customer they choose, whether or not they have a direct license agreement with Microsoft. "
what is great about our CSPs is that they not only deliver low -Cost, duly authorized, high performance cloud desktops on Windows Server and RDS - they can use our features in Windows 7 desktop experience to make it look like a Windows desktop 7 for their subscribers! We introduced this capacity last year, and it boils down hundreds of small changes, adjustments and settings in a simple script.
Not only that, but our Mobility pack optimizes the desktop to tablets and phones, making it more touch friendly and native sense to iOS or Android device. Our CSP deploy it in mass, as tablets continue to be a great conversation starter when it comes to cloud hosted desktops. The experience transforms the small icons, mouse-oriented start bar and text areas difficult to tap this
In a very friendly tablet experience like this:
so, the bottom line to this story, in my best Jimmy Fallon "thank you notes" style: "Thank you, OnLive, for creating media attention for 1,500+ CSPs that were doing cloud desktops before you, better than you, and in accordance with the rules. Thank you for raising enough controversy to get Microsoft to reaffirm that you are doing the wrong licenses, and our CSPs are right. I thank you. "
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