CC 5.0 Enhancements: Enhancements Syslog Search

1:57 PM
CC 5.0 Enhancements: Enhancements Syslog Search -

Syslog are useful tools for management and system audit and analysis of information for purposes debugging. If well presented, these logs can be of great use. NetScaler command center can monitor syslog events NetScaler ADC devices when configured as syslog server for NetScaler ADC devices. Once you've done that, all syslog messages will be redirected to the central server control.

This allows the command center to present these logs the user in a structural manner. Now the question is, why do we see our syslog configuration command center when you can see them on the NetScaler appliance?

NetScaler Command Center presents these newspapers legible tabular format and allows you to perform advanced searches in various ways and build views for data analysis system log.

As shown in the snapshot above, Syslog data gets extracted and presented with details on the date / time of the newspaper Source as the IP address of the device, the event ID and message. Now, as you can see, there are 2361 entries in these logs. To find something specific in these logs will be equivalent to looking for a needle in a haystackJ. In such situations, you have an option to search by Advanced Search tab (highlighted in Figure 1).

The advanced search options allow you to search logs by two levels of filtering. The first level allows you to classify Date newspapers, Event ID, installation, message, severity and Source. Second level of filtering allows you to define operations on the value returned by the first filter

There were two Syslog research improvements in NetScaler Command Center 5.0 :.

Enhancement Key 1 : The " between " operation "date" advanced research

As shown in Figure 2 Command Center 5.0 introduces between research operation designed to filter logs based on Date / Time information in newspapers.

here, we have the first filter Date and the second level filter between . In the next two fields you get to enter the beach from which you want the log list to lead. When you click Research youwill a list of logs located between the intervals defined by you. In this case, we get a result 42 newspapers lying between November 18,2011 1:43:52 p.m. - November 18,2011 13:28:00 time slot on a list 2361 logs !

now, it's fun!

As seen with this example, this operation allows you to get more granular search results that is after and is before operations

Improved key 2 . The Comma delimited search for Syslog messages

Research comma delimited as presented in Figure 3 , filter logs with " remote_ip" and the string " ERROR" in a single search. As shown in Figure 4 This filter logs with " remote_ip" log entries, "ERROR" log entries and log entries with both the string " remote_ip" and " ERROR" present in them.

For this part of the blog I think we've established, USP Syslog is on NetScaler Command Center and introduced major improvements made in NetScaler Command Center (CC ) version 5.0.

That's it for now. Expect more blogs on key improvement in CC 5.0.

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