[Competition] What color shoes will wear the TAA team at Synergy this year?

8:02 PM
[Competition] What color shoes will wear the TAA team at Synergy this year? -

A Synergy Barcelona last year, the tools as a service (TAA) team were in strength and could nt miss :-) Why, because they were all wearing red shoes!

TAA Citrix Citrix is ​​a support initiative, designed to support your Citrix environments as easy as possible. It has tools and online self-analysis capabilities that help customers collect environmental information, analyze this information and receive personalized recommendations based on their Citrix environment and configuration.

During the event Synergy Barcelona the TAA team met many customers / partners, receiving great feedback and suggestions. I am pleased to announce that the TAA team will return to Synergy San Francisco next month with an updated product.

List of last year, we will also be looking for comments from you. If you attend Synergy in San Francisco next month and want to meet, you can reach out to me directly on email and sign up for a usability session.

Just like last year, you will be able to spot the team a mile :-)

So, for the pleasure and the chance to win a pair of your own "TAA shoes" answer the question below:

What color / model shoes will be the TAAS team will at Synergy San Francisco this year?

Please post your answer in the comments section below. First correct answer wins

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