In the previous blog (/ blogs / 2011/10/28 / NetScaler-order -centre-5- 0-extended-authentication-support-part-1 /) we discussed what NetScaler Command Center (CC) brings to the plate with the expanded authentication support, and that further improvements in NetScaler CC 5.0 are.
This blog covering the details on the importance of the configuration of the smooth dual-mode authentication.
dual configuration smooth fashion authentication
as we can see, "neha" user has an active external group Directory (AD) configured called "AdminAmericasOUAccounts" with "external" as the authentication type. Note that we have created this user on the device Command Center (CC). This "neha" user exists on the "AdminAmericasOUAccounts" AD group and the AD server and has the same powers as the AD Group "neha" user.
The "AdminAmericasOUAccounts" is set to CC unit as indicated, giving some level of access to CC camera functions.
now, the entire list of users defined in the "AdminAmericasOUAccounts" AD group to the AD server will be able to access these levels functions on CC apparatus.
A situation comes when the AD server goes down!
In this situation, the administrator can change the type of authentication that local and "neha" the user can access the Command Center camera smoothly despite the failure of AD server!
Earlier to this, admin had to change the configuration file and restart the system. Now, just the type of authentication to change the Command Center GUI will do.
This is what we call dual mode authentication configuration smoothly for admins !!
blog in the coming weeks, we cover the other part of the expanded authentication support, which is the meaning of the custom control active directory group level.
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