CC 5.0 Enhancements :! Repeater QoS statistics Quick Reports (NEW) - Part3

10:41 PM
CC 5.0 Enhancements :! Repeater QoS statistics Quick Reports (NEW) - Part3 -

Building on the last blog on "Repeater group against Stat connection" (/ blogs / 2011/12/16 / cc-5-0-enhancementsrepeater-link-stats-quick-reportsnew-part2 /), this blog will cover the third new rapid report on QoS stats against group.

Part 3-Repeater QoS Stats Group against

QoS is a set of policies and priorities assigned to the critical application traffic in policy development in traffic BR devices. This group against QoS Stats, uniquely identifies a QoS traffic class in the QoS traffic class table listed statistics. QoS has different classes to segment traffic according to priority. For example, traffic with priority 256 will get twice the bandwidth compared to traffic with priority 128 when the traffic is flowing to the max bandwidth.

Allows deep dive in the range of counters supported by the group counter.


  • QOS the sent volume (bits per second)
    • the total volume of QoS marked traffic sent over the link, measured in 1000-bytes. When a byte is 8-bit.
  • QOS receive volume (bits per second)
    • The total volume of QoS marked traffic received on the link, measured in 1000- bytes.
    • packet
  • sent QOS
    • the total number of QoS tagged packets sent on all links.
  • QOS received packets
    • The total number of packets marked QoS received on all links.
  • QOS dropped sent volume (bits per second)
    • The total volume of QoS sent marked traffic rose from the bond because of QoS threshold, in 1000-byte.
  • QOS fell receive volume (bits per second)
    • The total volume of QoS received the marked traffic dropped from the link because of QoS threshold, in 1000-byte.
  • packet QOS dropped sent
    • the total number of QoS sent packets are not sent on the link marked because of QoS threshold .
  • QOS dropped packets received
    • the total number of received QoS tagged packets dropped from the link because of QoS threshold.

This is a preview of the graphic quality of the service sent and received traffic volumes in bits per second.

With this, we complete the third part of the new Branch Repeater Quick Reports blogs. next set of blogs take on new custom reports branch repeaters introduced into NetScaler Command Center version 5.0.

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