As it is easy to diagnose / Troubleshoot NetScaler?

4:35 PM
As it is easy to diagnose / Troubleshoot NetScaler? -

NetScalers empowering some of the best Dotcoms / companies worldwide for over a decade now. With all those years of close collaboration with customers and allowing them to use NetScaler successfully, we realized that there are problems and concerns can be addressed by NetScaler is common. These are the questions that make our clients achieve technical support and it takes a lot of time in the Resolution. To reduce the execution time on the issues, several useful utilities and tools are provided on NetScaler user interface in the Diagnostics menu page within "the system". Here's a quick overview:

In this blog we are going to focus on related configuration tools

saved configuration :. Displays configuration ns.conf that is registered on the system

runtime configuration :. Displays the configuration that is currently running on NetScaler. This can be more than what you get previous step because it captures unsaved information in ns.conf and

current configuration GSLB :. Similar to the previous step where we show the running configuration on NetScaler. In this mode, you will not see GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) related configuration of

Configuration Difference :. This section has many uses for configuration differences. Basically, you can select all the files and check the diff against any other file. It may be helpful to use a targeted tools

-. Saved Vs run

  • You watch the difference in configuration between the saved configuration (ns.conf) and running configuration on NetScaler. If there is a difference of configuration, you see the result of diff and if there is no difference, then you see a message "The configuration is identical." In case of differences, it shows you the correct commands and also create a batch file to apply these controls

-. Revision History

  • This tool allows you to compare the running configuration with multiple revisions recorded in NetScaler. This is very useful in determining what has changed since the last review and also between several revisions

-. Pre vs. Post Upgrade

  • This tool allows you to compare the functioning or the saved configuration with the configuration setting to pre level. With this, you can check what has changed since the last update

-. Peer Node

  • This can not be used in HA deployments where you can compare the configuration between primary and secondary devices

Quick snapshot of the way diff like :.

Is not it convenient and cool for all these complex comparisons using tools NetScaler user interface and also solve problems :)

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