You better watch out, you better keep your laptops and secure identity information!

7:38 PM
You better watch out, you better keep your laptops and secure identity information! -

Not only is Santa coming to town but also thieves and hackers are out there that can make some people scream! There are many security products to read and below are a few that you may be of interest while taking a break from the bustle of holiday and bustle 😉 An article about an advanced scripting XSS attack the hacker did to show the facility to obtain bank information.

For any of the links in the article, this attack seems to a query parameter containing % 3C 73% 63% 72% % 69 % to 70 % 74 (the in the request URL, then infects the target destinations with itself to be kept for a longer period than just a page the user sees. Therefore, you look at your company resolutions or New Year's objectives in 2012 -i.e. making your business applications more secure, definitely check the firewall Web applications such as NetScaler to help with some of these attacks.

I also had a meeting with a partner this week and their customers were concerned about the laptops, mobile tablets, smartphones that are stolen, and the thieves take the information to sell, and wipe devices completely and sell the equipment when finished. Interestingly enough, in another article, it is in the top 10 security concerns in 2012. This article looks at small business, but with the discussion partners this week, this is a concern for all businesses if it is small business or Telco.

Our Citrix businesses has a great article inside reminder to employees to be aware of our devices - keep it out of sight, keep handy, all the label items and accessories, encrypt the system, etc. . and identity theft, definitely check credit cards and banks for all transactions that are not yours, and see for very detailed information to help identity theft victims.

Happy Holidays and stay safe!

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