Fast Moving Clouds

2:08 PM
Fast Moving Clouds

- Greetings from Europa Park in Germany! Tomorrow I will take the main stage speaking to thousands of cloud Hosting Days world suppliers. My presentation is called, "All clouds are not the same: what is yours" In an industry where everyone claims to offer a cloud service, who will be successful and survive are those that allow identify a differentiation strategy. Your cloud needs to offer a unique set of value, expertise and service - and one way to do this is to include desktop and cloud applications in your portfolio

this is the strategy that our Citrix 1,500-plus-service. Providers (CSPs) take. And by the tremendous growth in licenses and partners that we see every month, it seems to be a strategy that works.

From the product point of view, my team is working hard to give cloud providers with tools and technology to offer these unique services. I am proud to announce the release of the Citrix Cloud Provider Pack for shared hosted desktops. This set of technologies complements our office hosted solutions provide new levels of automation, seamless hybrid cloud experience and mobility

App orchestration technology :. We hear time and again that cloud providers are looking for ways to reduce the costs of managing their hosted desktop. The best way to achieve this is by automating time consuming tasks, such as application and desktop configuration, deployment and maintenance lifecycle. From a single multi-tenant console, the cloud provider's administrator can initiate these tasks and then simply wait for confirmation of completion. This orchestration of application layer functions across multiple sites and farms, and integrates directly with CloudPortal Services Manager to allow free self-admin- Service

Next generation seamless application of technology :. The reality is that, today, people get their applications from anywhere - from the local office, a center on-site data and public cloud. This latest iteration of the technology transparent application "stitching" together experience from multiple sources in a single desktop experience. Users can have a desktop hosted in the cloud, but still have access to their local applications (iTunes, DVD players, etc.) and hosted business applications (CRM, HR, etc.). The great benefit for hosted desktop providers is that it means they can onboard customers a basic workspace immediately, then migrate additional applications over time as needed

Windows for tablets :. Remote access to a Windows desktop from an iPad looks cool, but a few minutes of experience, you start to notice the little icons are difficult to operate, scrollbars are difficult to use, and keyboards will arise when expected - and when they do, they block the part of the screen you are trying to view. The Mobility Pack (update in this version of the cloud provider pack) helps transform the desktop experience in a friendly tactile tablet optimized environment.

We build and test these technologies specifically against our DaaS Reference Architecture, which allows us to focus on a specific use case and get the technology published faster. While the cloud provider is just to pack CSPs, rest assured that Citrix evaluates many different requirements for enterprise environments as well. Over time, you can see some of these cloud providers technologies work their way into the products of the main line, as you saw the Pack automation service provider to become a part of XenDesktop and XenApp last year .

The Cloud Provider Pack will be available to the DSP by the end of this month - look for updates and blogs of our technical teams when it comes out. (The Mobility Pack is available to all Citrix customers separately.)

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