My first MobileApp using Mobile SDK

2:21 PM
My first MobileApp using Mobile SDK -

Today I AOVE created my first hosted mobile app running on XenApp. It, AOS no amazing app, but it shows how to handle the API using C #. As a reference I AOVE API used the following site: ¬ † http: //

For development purposes only, I installed the pack AOVE Mobility, XenApp Mobile SDK and Visual studio 2010 on my demo XenApp server. First I AOVE created a new C # Windows Form project and refers to the Interop.CitrixMobility.dll of bin x64 in the project.

The purpose of my first application is to bring up the keyboard to the virtual appliance.

using CitrixMobility;

 private CitrixMobile cmpCom; this.cmpCom CitrixMobile = new (); var = comHandle this.cmpCom as iKeyboard; state CMP_KEYBOARD_STATE CMP_KEYBOARD_STATE = new () {= KybdAutoCaps CMP_KEYBOARD_AUTOCAPS.CMP_KYBD_AUTO_CAPITAL_NONE, EditFieldRect CMP_DISPLAY_RECT = new () {Bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0, top = 0}, KybdFlags = 0 = KybdReturnKey CMP_KEYBOARD_RETURNKEY.CMP_KYBD_RETURN_KEY_DEFAULT, KybdType = CMP_KEYBOARD_TYPE.CMP_KYBD_TYPE_STANDARD}; comHandle.ShowKeyboard (state ref); 

After the build process is complete, I AOVE released the App using the XenApp Delivery Services Console. Stay tuned, in my next year, I'll play with the camera interface.



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