Very often we (the Ask the Architects team) asked which optimizations should be applied a XenApp (6! /6.5) server. What we usually do to answer this question is to dig through our personal knowledge repositories and try to find a good list of settings. Well, this is not exactly a very efficient process so we but it is now time to understand a comprehensive guide, which summarizes the most common optimizations.
Unfortunately, there are a multitude of registry or GPO settings to settings that can optimize a Windows Server, but many of them are linked to very specific scenarios and only have the capacity to effectively limit the scalability in other cases. we essentially as filtered through these tweaks "toxic" and only summarizes the optimizations applicable to many (if not all) environments. Nevertheless, it is important to test all changes in detail before rolling on production. So please keep this in mind. Still
The New Guide (which can be downloaded here) is divided into two sections
- Section 1 -. Windows R2 Configurations 08 : This chapter focuses on optimizations that are applied at the server. We have divided the chapter general optimizations for XenApp servers and optimizations for XenApp servers that are provisioned by means of Provisioning Services (PVS). In addition, we examined the services and some optimizations file server
- Section 2 - User Settings : .. This chapter focuses on the specific optimizations to the user, also includes some policy changes XenApp
As mentioned earlier, we have tried to include only common optimizations. So there is a long list of things we skipped on purpose for the reasons mentioned above. But if you know a RegKey or GPO setting that we missed, please leave a comment or send me an email and I'll include it in the guide
Update :. The optimization guide was also added to the XenDesktop Design Handbook. You can find it in the Planning Guides section.
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