Converting conventional policies advanced policies

1:20 PM
Converting conventional policies advanced policies -

NetScaler ingrains many features that are driven policy. The political use a logical expression, called a rule. They define how a function evaluates the request or response data. It also applies one or more actions determined by the result of the evaluation of policies. Many features use these expressions in the shares or the profiles and expressions have greater visibility into the system.

From the beginning of the NetScaler appliance, the 'classic' policies have been introduced which has served most use cases well. But with the gradual progress in the use cases and deployment of the more complex nature of the analysis, NetScaler has introduced policies "Advanced."

The conventional political evaluate the basic characteristics of traffic and other data. Over time, the treatment of advanced content, a need for better policies is entered, that supports a logical structure of treatment, more functions and data types.

Early political use a powerful expression language, which is built on an object model class. They are built on a totally different architecture over conventional policies.

The model complex operations and divided into multiple logical building blocks of layers. These logical blocks are only expression language objects covering all protocol layers which are in phase with the flow of protocol and behavior.

For example, consider a sentence Advanced as mentioned below.


This expression when assessed for an incoming request. It examines data from the HTTP request. Rather than analyzing the entire application package or URL, it looks at the URL suffix and matches against ". Jpg" string. Thus, it saves more cycles on the processing and analysis and is much more effective in the definition.

advanced infrastructure offers several options that enhance your ability to configure the behavior of various features of NetScaler. It allows you to granularly analyze the data and allows several operations in the rule of politics.

Why do we need to convert standard in advanced policies?

Consider a scenario where you have migrated to a newer version of NetScaler software. You configured conventional policies for features that are now using advanced policies. Given the benefits of the advanced infrastructure, you probably want to use the advanced policies. Then go on ... but there is a challenge to convert your conventional policies and expressions in advanced mode. You may have 100s policies and expressions to work, not an easy task !!

This is where NetScaler provides integrated utility with 9.3 version that allows you to convert your traditional policies and expressions in advanced mode. J What a relief!

The conventional policies can be easily converted into political progress using "nspepi" tool comes with 9.3 release.

The conversion will be supported for the functions that support both classic expressions also well advanced. The following NetScaler support both classic and advanced expressions:

  • policies AppFirewall
  • authorization policies
  • named expressions
  • policies Compression
  • policies CSW
  • cache policies
  • LB vserver token-based rule

How can we make the conversion?

  • You can use the tool "nspepi" to convert a traditional single expression to the advanced expression syntax


root @ ns # nspepi -e "REQ.HTTP.URL == /*.htm"

"HTTP.REQ.URL.REGEX_MATCH (re # / (. *) . htm #)"

  • You can use this tool to convert all conventional expressions in a NetScaler configuration file


root @ ns # nspepi -f ns.conf

OUTPUT: New configuration file created:


OUTPUT: New warning created file: warn_ns.conf

wARNINGS: total number of warnings because of link

commands: 18

WARNINGS: line numbers which control link

questions: 305, 306, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711

712, 713.714, 715, 767, 768, 774, 775, 776, 777

conversion Notice, you must keep in mind before using this tool:

  • The orders that exceed 1499 character limit must be manually updated.
  • conventional multiple policies can be related to a given connection point with priority 0 or with the same priority. But advanced policies do not support a value of 0 or priority policies with the same priority to a given connection point. These orders must be updated manually correct priority values.
  • The line numbers throwing warnings at the time of conversion are listed at the end of the exit in a warning line. With this, there is a warning file created in which the configuration files are stored

with the controls and nspepi specified warnings, you are good to go, to convert your way to 'advanced policy infrastructure!

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