My Synergy Diary - Day 1 Synergy

12:43 PM
My Synergy Diary - Day 1 Synergy -

So with Summit about how we invited our customers to save on Tuesday night with the kick off officially Wednesday morning event . First up was the principal. I arrived early for a good seat in the beautiful room. The place quickly filled before Mark Templeton took to the stage

Synergy keynote today was very exciting, if you missed it, you can look back here -. Http://

This was one of the most exciting keynotes Synergy I went with a huge amount of ads. Here is a summary of some, I wrote:

  • Acquisition of AppDNA
  • Introducing GoToMeeting Workspaces
  • Web Interface to be replaced by Citrix Cloud Gateway
  • hotel Cloud Gateway Express & Cloud Gateway Enterprise
  • HDX on a chip
  • Citrix Receiver for Facebook

After the speech, I returned the Expo hall and lounge learn to help with tools such as a service usability studies and demos.

That night was party Synergy, each region has been divided into a differtn club along the beach. It was a beautiful place, I found myself with a lot of colleagues and clients with little food and fine wines. It was a late night but nice :-)

I also took many pictures during the event you can find on the Citrix site Facebook support


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Tagged under:

  • Citrix Receiver
  • Essentials for Hyper-V
  • NetScaler
  • NetScaler gateway
  • Uncategorized
  • XenApp
  • XenClient
  • XenDesktop
  • XenServer

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