A day in the life of a Cardiologist

10:53 PM
A day in the life of a Cardiologist -

Do you still watching this video? For the first time, you can watch a cardiologist who uses Citrix technology and see how Citrix allows health care through virtual computing. Tell your customers how Citrix solutions can help health care organizations to modernize systems, improve the accessibility of the application and mobility in their organizations. Also, how it can improve customer service, the total cost of IT operations, increase security, regulatory compliance and overall patient confidentiality.

Watch the video here. Then go to Citrix Concierge marketing and share this video with your customers and prospects. Search Shark Days Healthcare, customize the email, landing page (which includes video) and blast your contact list directly from the site. All for free! The campaign also includes all the materials you need to go to the market and help you trained on Citrix solutions scripted presentation training PPT, case studies, white papers, videos and more

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