Do not step on my red shoes Cotton Canvas @ Synergy!

3:46 PM
Do not step on my red shoes Cotton Canvas @ Synergy! -

This week at Citrix Synergy the support team are here in force and you can not miss us. Why, because we all wear red shoes!

Citrix TAA is a new initiative from Citrix Support, are designed to support your Citrix environments as easy as possible. It has tools and online self-analysis capabilities that help customers collect environmental information, analyze this information and receive personalized recommendations based on their Citrix environment and configuration. Citrix TAA is available for use now!

We are here to Synergy to launch a public beta of our TAA initiative. We developed lightweight tools and online self-analysis capabilities that will help you collect environmental information, analyze this information and receive personalized recommendations based on your Citrix environment and configuration.

If you are interested in learning more about TAAS then you can reach us at Synergy either TAA booth in the exhibition hall or in the lounge convivial learning area for TAAS during the following periods

on 24 e
9h00-10: 00 11:00 30-13h00
on 25 e
9: 00-10: 00, 11:00 30-13: 00 and 16 hours 00-20: 00
Wednesday 26 e
15: 30 - 18:00
on 27 e
11:00 to 14: 00 & 15: 30 to 7:00 p.m.
Friday 28 e
9h00-10: 00 and 11:30-12: 00

Please provide your feedback in a convivial session and win an iPad2

Reach out to me directly on email and register Involved for a usability session

Citrix on:.
Twitter - @ citrixsupport & @citrixreadiness

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