Before, during and after Synergy Barcelona event, you can stay updated with your social networking activities by taking advantage of a wide range of online tools.
Facebook and Twitter for exclusive social club Synergy tool and connection of the event, Synergy, it is easy for you to follow others, start a conversation, join a discussion or log in with other participants. Here's the scoop ...
Before arriving in Barcelona:
- View Ingrid Ask for suggestions on what to see and how, as well as practical tips on Synergy logistics. E-mail questions to Ingrid or follow her on Twitter @AskIngridBCN.
- Use Event Log tool located in My Account under the Synergy microsite to contact other participants and set up meetings at the site -. either the event or otherwise connecting lounge in the CCIB
- registered customers can complete their profiles on The Synergy social club using temporary powers that were sent to you on October 4th. Note credentials notifications are sent every Tuesday and Thursday. You can post photos and build a personal profile that aggregates your online presence - blogs, tweets, photos and videos -. So others can find you, follow your interests and log in to talk business
At the event:
- Post snapshots Synergy Party on Flickr and your favorite videos on YouTube "as" Synergy on Facebook and follow all the comments of participants and staff Citrix on Twitter.
- Reaching professional contacts on LinkedIn and tell them about the business networking advantages to Synergy.
- Follow Citrix CTOs and CTPs on their blogs because they describe the highlights in technology, new products and ongoing demos Synergy - then make sure to check these things
- Use the Synergy social club for optimizing your activities on the networking site by easily locate others. Citrix customers and employees and hold an informal meeting or to have a chat
After the conference :.
- Stay in touch with the people you met in Barcelona through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and publish your event photos on Flickr your network
- Learn how Press and analysts consider the conference - particularly new products look he said.
- Revisit keynotes virtually attend sessions you missed by connecting to Synergy Live!, Which offers free, video on demand covering a wide range of conference activities.
- The use Synergy social club to stay in touch with your peers throughout the year. This ongoing community participants Synergy will continue to network between conferences and schedule
- meet-ups for the 2012 events
Remember, we count on you to add your opinions, ideas, comments, questions and memories in the broader conversations happening around Synergy Barcelona. As you know, social networks makes the event even more meaningful, useful and fun for all of us!
Laura Whalen
Citrix Systems, Inc.
Follow me on Twitter
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