Command Center is your need or request

12:56 PM
Command Center is your need or request -

A NEED means a sense of urgency ?; urgency to get something fixed or emergency to get the right solution and the right answers. Whereas a WANT take you to get something that adds to your level of luxury, giving you another level of ease.

Command Center is the smart way to manage and monitor multiple networked devices Citrix. All those who have two or more networking devices would Command Center deployed as monitoring and management solution.

Why would anyone want Command Center?

  1. First, to avoid investing time, the management of all network devices individually, when the number of devices can vary by more than two to hundreds
  2. reduces OpEx : It can reduce the time and efforts of staff and resources to manage deployed devices. Instead of several directors, management and monitoring of these n numbers of devices, you can have an administrator on Command Center management and monitoring of multiple devices at once!
  3. reduces the TCO : Lower total cost of ownership is directly proportional to cost-effectively manage the former deployment and deployment of new deployments simultaneously. With Command Center, when managing and monitoring multiple devices is easy, simply more resources available to manage new deployments, resulting in lower total cost of ownership.
  4. specialized Manageability and monitoring solution that understands how Citrix networking devices operate and can be better managed
  5. Administration Command Center a device you can monitor :.
    1. complete Events and Faults of several devices with custom email notifications
    2. such nodes, virtual servers, services and service groups more NetScaler appliances.
    3. Email notified expirations SSL Certificate
    4. configuration changes
  6. with them, you can run / schedule software upgrades to multiple devices and maintain configuration updates.
  7. Generate quick counter based reporting, customized reports on the graphics on level flow of information
  8. To obtain advanced AppFirewall reports against the first level of violation information

such a solution is available with the Enterprise and Platinum Edition NetScaler appliances.

Why wait for the urgency of NEED to have Command Center when the WANT to use Command Center you can get the right solution at the right time !!

Get Command Center, get the ease of manageability smart!

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