XenClient and Microsoft SCCM integration toolbox Login Consultants

11:43 AM
XenClient and Microsoft SCCM integration toolbox Login Consultants -

We recently released XenClient 2 and clients recognize the benefits to both IT and end users can achieve in the client hypervisor paradigm. Customers want to enjoy all the benefits of client hypervisor to hardware independence, backup image, multiple VMs and Security Increased Customer. As a result, we are seeing a surge of interest in XenClient as a better approach to the use of laptop computer cases offline.

At the same time, the company's customers have questions about how to deploy XenClient Synchronizer and in their environment, while making the best use of existing tools they use to manage their desktop images. Companies tend to have large investments in place for their image management and deployment tools and processes. Thus, customers want to minimize changes to establish the image management work methods to adopt when starting XenClient.

Microsoft Systems Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) is the quintessential example of a tool and configuration management systems, as it represents the most widely deployed of these management technologies. And as you would expect, we have heard from our mutual customers they want to use SCCM with XenClient.

To meet these requirements, Synergy Barcelona, ​​Login Consultants has announced the availability of the beta of a free SCCM 07 R3 / XenClient integration toolkit they developed in collaboration with Citrix. Login Consultants is an international IT service provider specialized in virtualization, desktop deployment and application delivery. They are experts in Citrix and Microsoft technologies recognized. Their SCCM integration work is an excellent example of third innovation is around XenClient to meet customer requirements.

The box SCCM integration tools provides centralized deployment of XenClient hypervisor and VM SCCM images ready for XenClient devices pulling SCCM infrastructure existing party. The toolkit consists of a plug-in SCCM UI, deployment scripts and administration guide. The diagram below provides an architecturally high level on how XenClient operates with SCCM using the toolbox Login Consultants.

Note that this first round of the SCCM integration in XenClient provides two functions (1 and 2 in the diagram). The first function provides automated bare metal deployment of XenClient hypervisor using Systems Center in collaboration with the Windows Deployment Services (WDS). The second major function of the integration of SCCM provides the VM image deployment XenClient devices. Figure 2 shows the plug-in interface to configure SCCM and XenClient VM deployment. With these features, you now you have a great way to deploy XenClient hypervisor using your images and SCCM existing Windows infrastructure.

From the beginning, we designed XenClient to work with existing tools and processes of our customers so they can quickly realize the value our local virtual desktop solution. Over time, they can enjoy additional benefits of our comprehensive solution such as data protection, policy control, running multiple virtual machines and more. We heard from customers that they want the benefits of XenClient while the current use of SCCM tools and processes to manage their images. The box integration tools Login Consultants for SCCM 07 represents a great way to make work seamlessly with SCCM XenClient so you can get the best of both worlds. If you use SCCM 07, we invite you to watch this video, download the free integration kit Login Consultants SCCM / XenClient and give it a spin and be sure to let him know to connect Consultant what you think and what you'd like to see following.

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