ou XenDesktop VDI-in-a-Box? Comment choisir?
If you are thinking of adopting desktop virtualization, two choices natural to you, e XenDesktop VDI-in-a-Box. So comment choisir? Should it be a question of cost, the difference in size of the environment, ou on Other Features factoring? Kumar Goswami, our product manager pour VDI-in-a-Box, briefly discusses this topic on a blog at the following address: / blogs / 2011/12/01 / citrix vdi-in-a-box-V5 is now-here-% E2% 80% A6-give-it-a-go /. There are Writes That "if YOU need simple VDI, then adopt Viab. Contrary to the CAS, go pay XD and supply FlexCast. "I Think That has a very good synthesis and in June the main motivations was in Favor of choice UN ou the Other product. But FURTHER choice Between June and offers VDI ONLY An offer with FlexCast, J'Aimerais Addressing HERE Some pour points comparator further the two products. Hoping That share my heuristics help you orienteer, more precisely in the UN's Favor ou l'autre depending on your personal situation
Authentication :. XenDesktop and VDI-in -a-Box are all active load Two Directory and smart cards. But June is major difference XenDesktop That Requires Active Directory and can be taken in charge within the UN working group. For Environments and Modest relying on non-work group without centralized directory, VDI-in-a-Box May be the choice of most judicious SINCE aussi product offers the possibility to rely on June DATABASE internal user. However, When the use of Active Directory Users WITH VDI-in-a-Box, the workstations must be explicitly allocated to the dice OÜ Users to Groups Who contain Directly. The use of nested groups and groups Integrated Active Directory For desktops with XenDesktop require allocation
Automation :. offers XenDesktop PowerShell SDK June 1 Scope interface, Which Allows Administrators to automate tasks like The Creation of Jobs, site configuration or the collection measures. VDI-in-a-Box is all simplicity, dotes Many of assistants, and keeps to a minimum the work of installation and configuration
Installation and maintenance :. As of May Getting Wait, installation of, and ongoing maintenance of well VDI-in-a-Box, simpler What are Those of XenDesktop. Certainly, XenDesktop offers a rapid deployment option pour Which All Components (license server, DATABASE, controller, consoles, etc.) are installed on the system and Sami assistant not you all along the initial guide in Process installation. However, this option is not usable What pour feasibility demonstrations and Smaller environments, scalability and redundancy limited Being Totally not
High availability :. XenDesktop and VDI -in-a-Box allows all Two high availability at multiple levels. Two load all take shared storage and environmental connection redundancy. XenDesktop offers other possibilities High Availability The On the DATABASE. However, VDI-in-a-Box is based on configuration files Each host on premises and not on June centralized DATABASE. VDI-in-a-Box benefited aussi high availability features of the Integrated Product No requirement without additional, if it is not adding to Less Two guests at the gate.
Scalability: You might think a priori XenDesktop What is good from far, more scalable What VDI-in-a-Box goal EC Not quite the CAS. VDI-in-a-Box Was used with success in customer environments by implementing SEVERAL Thousands of stations distributed between eight hosts hypervisors Maybe more. I do not do me too much Saying That it quite reasonable pay of Companies (keeping in mind That this is unique and UN deployment That can CREATE Always pour Take multiple deployments expensed More Users and / or news Geographical areas). But if you Do not Need unique environment, pour Take load Several Tens of thousands of desktops, XenDesktop So is without Conteste The Best Option
Cost :. I will not go IN THE DETAILS. But pour short, if the cost is you pour UN major element, then CHOOSE VDI-in-a-Box. Couts the infrastructure, installation and maintenance of Will lower Clearly Those XenDesktop
HDX 3D Pro :. If YOU Special Needs and Must positions and deliver accelerated STRONGLY Graphics, the HDX 3D Pro feature of XenDesktop Enterprise and Platinum editions of sera pour you a great interest. For more information: http://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/xendesktop-als/hd-3d-about.html.
Strategies: XenDesktop and VDI-in -a-Box using all Two le même engine strategies HDX Extended, All That good strategies may not apply to VDI-in-a-Box. In outraged, VDI-in-a-Box Demands That Let strategies configured and stored in Active Directory. XenDesktop Përmet aussi strategies to be configured and stored in the DATABASE of the site (eg When you DO No Active Directory on Control). For its part, ALLOWS YOU configurator The Breast Product of VDI-in-a-Box options on / off pour Virtual Channels.
Well. I Believe That I told you about everything that came to mind. If by chance I had forgotten not important point, do not hesitate to let me know or let me know of your comments-on this subject. And remember: Stay
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