Synergy between XenDesktop and NetScaler ... Synergy 2012!

8:52 PM
Synergy between XenDesktop and NetScaler ... Synergy 2012! -

As you think about how you can expand your XenDesktop environment more business, security, availability and scalability of increasing concern. The design and construction of a solution for enterprise-class delivery requires thinking through three main areas:

  • Office Availability: deliver safely office right and applications to the user with a minimum of fuss and muss, and delivering even if an individual desktop image fails
  • High availability: ..
  • Disaster Recovery to ensure that if one component in Office distribution infrastructure fails, users will still be able to get to their office / global Roaming :. Addressing how users arrive at a desktop computer, if an entire site is unavailable, or if they move from place to place

These are design elements that the synergistic relationship between XenDesktop and NetScaler come in. XenDesktop provides the framework for desktop delivery; with features such as FlexCast models to ensure that users get workstation provided that are optimized for their needs, while NetScaler provides key elements to ensure that desktops are delivered safely and that the elements critical infrastructure are intelligently load balanced both within a data center and through an organization.

For example, consider load balancing. Most large-scale XenDesktop deployments have multiple Web Interface servers and XenDesktop controllers to meet the needs of end users, while providing availability if one component fails. But by itself, does not provide XenDesktop clever balancing of components and, in some cases, manual intervention is required to get the service going again if a component fails load.

is where NetScaler comes. Provide intelligent load balancing for XenDesktop components, NetScaler provides load balancing for Web Interface and XenDesktop DDC components, and uses intelligent monitors to ensure that the appropriate components on Citrix servers respond to requests, rather than load balance between to an IP address. With the combination of XenDesktop and NetScaler, enterprise-class availability and load balancing is achieved.

Want to know more? Come to Synergy 2012 and attend our session; SYN303 - Best practices for reliable and scalable deployments XenDesktop and XenApp with NetScaler where you will learn how you can easily provide:

  • intelligent load balancing for XenDesktop and XenApp
  • Secure Remote access integrated access Gateway
  • Server Load Balancing for global XenDesktop
  • optimized access with integrated Web Interface

And in a few simple click thanks to wizards! Join us in San Francisco in May to learn about the synergy created when XenDesktop and NetScaler used together with Synergy. I look forward to seeing you there!

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