Want to learn the latest Citrix

9:04 PM
Want to learn the latest Citrix -

Americas Partners - Check Channel Enablement calendar www.citrix.com/partnercalendar

The Citrix Channel Enablement timetable and roadmap to www.citrix.com/partnercalendar shows our series of training camps, workshops and webinars in your area and cities throughout the Americas. There are 3 tracks: Sales, Technical and Lead Generation. And there are intro events, intermediate and advanced -. So no matter what your Citrix experience, there is a workshop or appropriate boot camp for you

All events are focused on group exercises and interaction and are open to all partners in the Americas. Most are free of charge .

Go to www.citrix.com/partnercalendar to see the events in your area, prerequisites and how to apply. Do not wait - these events fill up quickly

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