What is the impact of storage of personal vDisk and XenDesktop?

8:51 PM
What is the impact of storage of personal vDisk and XenDesktop? -

One advantage of Personal vDisk technology is the ability to capture economies of common storage thin provisioned workstations while maintaining a persistent, flexible office that survives restarts OS patching and same basic

So how much storage savings can you get

Let, AOS look at the following scenario.?

An office administrator wants to create 1000 jobs for their knowledge workers. They know a locked desktop experience won, AOT fly with their users so they assume desktop they need dedicated. Some back of the envelope calculations might look like this:

  • 30GB for OS, Applications and Service Packs Base
  • 4GB for swap and temp files
  • 10GB to another user, Äústuff at (files / apps)

at first glance, you might plan ~ 45GB per user, but you can then apply a benefit of deduplication (~ 50%) from your SAN vendor. Storage deduplication is completely independent of the virtualization technology in this case.

So with a desktop model for 1000 with dedicated storage deduplication desktop computers in the SAN, you might need about size storage capacity of 22TB 10-15 IOPS per desktop.

alternatively, in the model of personal virtual desktop with a personal vDisk, the 1000 workstations can be shared 1-2 30GB base images, then each user would then provisioned a 10GB Personal vDisk. The administrator can choose to limit the size of the personal vDisk and lever folder redirection to keep user data on an appropriate storage target (spinning with the backup, etc.).

In this case, using PVD with XenDesktop pulling thin party -provisioned workstations to the total storage requirement would be about 7.5TB, or a 65% savings. However, if with XenServer operator IntelliCache, much reading and not persistent entries can be cached on the host that carries the storage requirement by up to 5TB, total savings of over 78% on workstations dedicated.

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