Prepare your business for the future now

9:53 PM
Prepare your business for the future now -

Even people who think they do not fully grasp technological innovators how the workplace is changing. Things once considered benefits or extras employees are now part of doing business. Companies that do not meet what their workers want - including greater flexibility in their jobs and in their personal devices - could find obsolete themselves

Telework Week and the consumerization of IT event are a good time to reflect. these changes and the changes that alter our working world. Companies must recognize that bringing your own devices at work will not be an exception for much longer.

Companies looking to build a successful "BYOD" program may turn to Citrix to get an idea of ​​how things are done. We do not sell only virtualization technology; we live our mission by allowing workers to use their own devices and manage their time to do the best job possible.

We started just now and have woven the idea "BYOD" the way we do business. Many of our employees use a laptop computer, their own smartphone and a tablet computer. We enable our employees to choose what works best. Our business applications allow then to do their work and to access their data, no matter where they are or what device they are using.

Some concern about the security of cloud computing, but it actually keeps things safer computing Old- school or office. When applications, virtual desktops and user data are stored in a data center, it can be delivered to any device in a secure and controlled fashion.

Any company can make these changes with a little planning, work and - yes - flexibility. But you first need your insight and capacity to act before the changes in our offices and businesses are permanent. Do you have a story to share BYO?

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