Hardware & Storage Calculator

8:40 PM
Hardware & Storage Calculator -

During your desktop transformation project, you will need to estimate the need for hardware and storage so that project costs can be calculated and infrastructure can be ordered. To provide an accurate estimate, you need to consider many factors - including virtual desktops per host, virtual desktops per site, work stations per controller, users XenApp server, XenApp servers per host, users per farm hosts by resource pool, IOPS. by VM and others

There is much to consider - so where is a good place to start

At Citrix Consulting, we had a lot of experience estimating hardware requirements and storage for desktop transformation projects, and we want you to enjoy this knowledge so that you are not starting from scratch. I created a spreadsheet that estimates the number of computers and storage virtualization required on the basis of a number of key entries:

  • Bureau Spec virtual: CPU, disk storage and space for light users, normal and heavy

  • VHDs : Number and .. size virtual hard disks needed

  • user segmentation :. details of user groups identified during the segmentation process, including the number of users, performance requirements and FlexCast models selected

  • equipment : You can assign different hardware specifications (cores, RAM and redundancy) for virtualization hosts supporting the XenApp, XenDesktop the virtual desktop and infrastructure servers if you want

the spreadsheet will use these inputs to estimate the number of infrastructure servers are needed -. Web interface, XenDesktop controllers, XenApp servers, XML Brokers, Desktop Director servers, Provisioning servers and license servers (you can adjust if necessary).

He will then use these information to calculate many virtualization hosts, physical servers and virtual appliances are needed, as well as the storage and IOPS.

I tried to simplify the spreadsheet by making a number of assumptions such as redundancy requirements, overheads and hypervisor flow per server supply. All these items can be set in the Advanced tab. You should consider these assumptions to make sure they make sense in your environment - you can change them if necessary

You can download the spreadsheet from the site Desktop transformation Accelerator. - Citrix.com/dtaccelerator. After creating a project, go to Design> Design Platform layer> Calculate your hardware needs. White blood cells require you to enter or review information, the green cells are automatically calculated and yellow cells provide guidance. I pre-filled spreadsheet with sample information to guide you in the right direction.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Daniel Feller , Thomas Berger, Nicholas Rintalan Dimitrios Samorgiannidis Rich Meesters and Beau Dolinsky to help test and inspect equipment and storage calculator.

If you have comments or feedback on how the spreadsheet can be improved please follow the back link in the upper left corner of each worksheet.

Andy Baker - Architect
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