Find a workshop near you: http: // /2012DTM/EventListing.asp
pre-read (get the most out of attending the workshop - please read the description of what is covered below -Dessous)
Who: Citrix consulting and sE created and presents the content, just the facts!
Why do we put together workshops?
* Talking with clients, we realized that many deployments tray once they have reached 0-500 or 1000 workstations or never take off because IT professionals or business owners just not know they need to know to start a project, define requirements, and / or define success
* customers ask us :.
- Where do I start
- What steps will go through my organization
- Who needs to be on the team
- What is the time value
-? Which users do I virtualize first
- Where can I find help
- What is Citrix's commitment to my success
What Do Citrix
* created a desktop transformation model .. (a web platform) - allowing you gather requirements about your project
* tool describes the project in three phases: assess, design, deploy
Assess how to:
* define your appetite the risk (how much downtime a company can afford to have)
* what is the objective of the business?
* how to define user groups (with automated LakeSide SysTrack software fastback agents)
discusses design considerations:
* Storage Design
* hypervisor design
* Profiles and Database design
[ Deploy:
* How to select a group of test users
* change management - Event notification
* testing, testing, deployment
URL: (please create a MyCitrix account and log in to create a project)
White Papers and further reading:
different types of workers in the company have different performance and customization requirements. Some require simplicity and standardization while others need high performance or a fully personalized desktop. XenDesktop can meet all these requirements in a single solution with our unique delivery technology Citrix FlexCast ™. With FlexCast, IT can deliver any type of virtual desktop, hosted or local, physical or virtual -. Each designed to meet the requirements of each individual user performance, security and flexibility
LakeSide FastTrack SysTrack:
collect information such as:
* When your users are entering the work
* what are the popular applications
* How are the resources tax applications underlying (disk, CPU, RAM)
Sample LakeSide FastTrack Report SysTrack
architecture very similar to EdgeSight
SysTrack "master" server requires R2 SP1
Master uses the SQL Express local data (included w / bits of FastTrack)
"Web services" and "VMP" installed on master (requires IIS, .NET, Silverlight)
agents installed on the "child" systems (MSI format)
agents use a Jet database / local access to store data
agents send ~ 100 kb per day Master server via the port 57632
minimum of 2 weeks and 50 children systems are required for planning functions
had to install SP1 R2 (for master server)
We had to install Silverlight (twice actually, because it comes with an outdated version) on my client machine to look at the URL fasttrack
you have to enter your customer number when installing (or it will not let you go) and also last 4 digits of ID at the first use of URL
SysTrack FastTrack has 3 parts - Master Web services and VMP
SysTrack Master specs - dual core or 2 vCPUs, 4GB of RAM, 40 GB hard drive (VMs are fine)
TCP 57632 is the port it uses to communicate with "child systems"
Agent is the MSI format ... can be pushed with SCCM, etc.
SysTrack "Web services" requires IIS, .NET and Silverlight 3.5 or 4.0
VMP is the third and final component to install (Virtual Machine Planner)
Local Access db jet is used to store information locally on child systems
Agent uses less than 1% CPU and 30-50 MB of memory
functions as a device driver or service without the core components
only 100k storage sent the child to master (default encrypted and highly compressed ... and only a "summary")
* get a test at: http: // www / AppDNA
* analyze application compatibility
* imperative in large environments with many applications where you need to test the interoperability of applications and operating systems, especially as you move an application from XP> Win7> 08 etc.
* Automatic packaging application> obtain App-V sequence when it is done
* review what application compatibility issues have been automatically detected and treated, see what applications the candidates for the move
This WP should be your best friend here -. XenDesktop Planning Guide - storage best practices
also good references
- / blogs / 2011/06/01 / glue-luns -a-citrix-perspective /
- / blogs / 2011/05/11 / citrix-recommends-nfs-for-XenDesktop-huh /
- / blogs / 2011/07/01 / are SSDs-all -theyre cracked up-to-be /
There a variety of different virtual desktop models. Each model is characterized by varying degrees of complexity in its implementation, varying changes in the business practices of IT and is associated with different capital and operating levels.
Best friend here should be - User profile Planning Guide: -650 196 / XD% 20-% 20-% 20Guide 20Planning%%% 20User 20Profiles.pdf and user logon optimization Guide: 649 755 / XD-XA 20Logon% 20-%%% 20Optimization 20Guide.pdf
There are different variety of virtual desktop models. Each model is characterized by varying degrees of complexity in its implementation, varying changes in the business practices of IT and is associated with different capital and operating levels.
Good reference here: / blogs / 2011/05/02 / load balancing-tftp-nothing-but-trivial /
There a variety of different virtual desktop models. Each model is characterized by varying degrees of complexity in its implementation, varying changes in the business practices of IT and is associated with different capital and operating levels.
DB Design
Good references here: Database Mirroring and XD5 Sizing: 102-649422 / XD_Database_Mirroring_Best_Practices.pdf and database ES Sizing Tool: http: //support.citrix. com / article / CTX122146 replication, SQL DB XA:
There a variety of different virtual desktop models. Each model is characterized by varying degrees of complexity in its implementation, varying changes in the business practices of IT and is associated with different capital and operating levels.
Hardware Considerations
Good resources here:
XA Virt Guide BP: download / 27473-102-657894 / XA 20Planning% 20-% 20-%%% 20Guide ~~ number = plural 20Virtualization% 20Best% 20Practices.pdf
XS scalability (dom0 tuning) / blogs / 2011 / 08/08 / maximum-tuning xenserver-to-scalability /
RSC and scalability impact on XS: / blogs / 2011/12/18 / rsc-and-xs-scalability
VRC project is also great here -
There a variety of different virtual desktop models. Each model is characterized by varying degrees of complexity in its implementation, varying changes in IT business practices and is associated with levels of capital and variable operating
Considerations Hypervisor
good resources here :.
XA Virt Guide BP: . pdf
XS Scalability (dom0 tuning): / blogs / 2011/08/08 / maximum-tuning XenServer-to-scalability /
RSC and impact on XS Scalability: / blogs / 2011 / 12/18 / rsc-and-xs-scalability /
VRC project is also great here -
There a variety of different virtual office models. Each model is characterized by varying degrees of complexity in its implementation, varying changes in the business practices of IT and is associated with different capital and operating levels.
Best Practices
XenApp and XenDesktop Design Best Practice:
Win7 Optimizations XD : -102 to 648,285 / XD% 20-% 20Windows% 207% 20Optimization% 20Guide.pdf
WinXP Optimizations XD: http: // 642300 / optimization% 20Windows% 20XP% 20for% 20XenDesktop.pdf
user logon optimization guide: http: // 20-% 20Logon 20Optimization% 20Guide.pdf
SDSS: / blogs / 2011 to its progressive turn-hdx -display-dont-forget-it-over / 05/30 / /
HDX Optimization: 20Practices% 20for% 20Optimizing 20HDX%%% 20for% 20Technologies 20XenDesktop% 204.pdf
VM resource allocation Guide: -648 492 / XD% 20-% 20-% 20Guide 20Planning%%% 20Hosted 20VM-Based 20Resource%% 20Allocation. pdf
Nick Rintalan
Dan Feller
Florian Becker
Malathi Malla
Justin Zacks
Joseph Baker
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