Your compañeros Citrix XenClient team are pleased to present and XenClient XenClient XT Summit Citrix partners October 24 e - 25 e and Citrix Synergy October 26 e to October 28 e in Barcelona, Spain . We demos, breakout sessions and even a special guest speaker
XenClient - What?
For those of you not familiar with XenClient Synchronizer for XenClient or, XenClient is a local virtual desktop solution based on a true Type 1 client hypervisor that runs on bare metal and provides high performance and security. XenClient enables users to run multiple local virtual desktops simultaneously, side by side in complete isolation. Users fed XenClient laptops can access their various virtual desktops anywhere, anytime, even while disconnected from the network. Citrix Synchronizer for XenClient enables laptops with XenClient to download virtual desktops centrally managed. Using Synchronizer, it may centralized backup of user data through the secure connection every time the user connects to the Internet,
define security policies for managed laptops, disable laptops XenClient lost or stolen and restore virtual desktop to a user on a XenClient based laptop.
XenClient demonstrations
Visit us at Booth Citrix in the Solutions Expo to see a demo of XenClient Synchronizer for XenClient and XenClient XT. We will present the latest technical developments XenClient and answer any questions you may have about this technology ready for production. Solutions Expo will be open Tuesday, October 25 from 18: 30-22h00 on Wednesday, 26th October from 30-17h00 noon and Thursday, October 27 e of 30-17h00 noon. We are impatient to meet you!
Whether you are attending the Summit of Citrix partners or lounge Citrix Synergy, we have a breakout for you! Join us in the three sessions to learn all about XenClient
- FlexCast: Leverage Local VM (XenClient) Desktops for desktop PC Mobility , on 25 October, 13: 00-13: 45 speakers: Manu Chauhan, Senior Product Manager for XenClient, Citrix Systems and Dr. Ryan Durante, head of the area of Croix Solutions and innovation section, Air Force Research Lab, AFRL / RIEB
- FlexCast: local VM (XenClient) Desktops Go mobile, 26th October, 17: 30-18: 15 Speakers: Raymond Chew, senior Product Manager for XenClient, Citrix Systems and Dr. Ryan Durante, head of field solutions and innovation Section Cross, Lab Air Force Research AFRL / RIEB
- XenClient best practices with Douglas Brown, increasingly using virtualization layers to simplify the Windows Desktop management October 27 16: 00-17: 30 Speakers: Douglas Brown, founder and Peter Blum, director of product management and marketing, Citrix Systems
guest speaker
We are pleased to have Dr. Ryan Durante, head of field solutions and innovation Cross Section, Air Force Research Lab, AFRL / RIEB Summit partners Citrix and Citrix Synergy. Dr. Durante co-present during our two breakout sessions so we hope you'll join us as he talks about his experience with XenClient XT.
Intel Breakout Session
Jesus Garcia from Intel will be a discussion session on what the company calls Intelligent Desktop Virtualization October 27 e 14:00. XenClient is optimized to run on Intel vPro hardware virtualization technology to deliver 3D graphics and high-definition video. Manu Chauhan XenClient team co-present with Jesus for part of the session and a demonstration of XenClient.
In conclusion ....
Please stop by our booth to tell us what you think of XenClient. Feel free to follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook where we point out all the latest news XenClient at Citrix Synergy Barcelona.
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