Ready, Steady, Transform!

10:29 PM Add Comment
Ready, Steady, Transform! -

It's great to see so much activity on the Citrix Desktop Transformation Accelerator. Glad so many people use for, well .. accelerate their desktop transformation.

I wanted to take a minute to let you know about a relatively new addition to the kit that you have perhaps not heard of but is a very big deal - a " Virtual Desktop Assessment Tool . "- ​​that will help you, our XenDesktop and XenApp customers get a better understanding of what it takes to transform your unique office workflow

If you are just entering or struggling with the completion of a transformation office, or feel too exposed with "shelfware" around, this tool may be just what the doctor ordered. It is based on the SysTrack technology Lakeside Software for collection and aggregation of data from the user experience. it includes a wizard developed by Lakeside that fully automates the data collection process. automation is a good thing ™.
But wait, there more! .. also included in the package of tools are fully functional versions of SysTrack Enterprise Visualizer Lakeside SysTrack Site Visualizer and SysTrack Resolve provides the experience of the end user monitoring, optimization and problem resolution. So once you cunning admins XenDesktop and XenApp transformed your corporate desktops, you can continuously monitor and manage the user experience for all users.

Cost? Freemium. Well, the tool is free to all XenDesktop and XenApp licensed customers. You can not do better than free. Catch is that the license is limited in time to 60 days; the continued use of the tool after that will require purchasing a license of Lakeside. But given the current value of the management and monitoring tools, you'll buy it.

Lakeside has set up a portal on their website where you can learn more about the Virtual Desktop Assessment Tool for Citrix. If you want to take your desktop virtualization project to the next level, this is certainly worth checking out.

Citrix Profile Management and VDI - Doing it Right

9:28 PM Add Comment
Citrix Profile Management and VDI - Doing it Right -

For anyone who has worked with XenApp or XenDesktop you know that user profiles can be one of the things difficult to get right. This was one of the driving forces behind Citrix, including a profile management solution as a standard component of all editions of XenDesktop.

I will not go into details of the various types of profile strategies, nor why a more robust strategy that standard roaming profiles is necessary. The need for a more robust solution than standard roaming profiles is already well understood and documented. What I will cover in this article are some best practices for configuring correctly the Citrix Profile Management solution. The objective of this article will configure Citrix Profile Management for Non-Persistent Windows 7 VDI workloads.

Too often, I went on projects with customers, partners and co-workers where our Citrix Profile Management solution has been installed and activated simply. It seems that many people think that the simple installation and activation Citrix Profile management will correct or improve their user profile. However, this could not be further from the truth. In fact, if you simply install and activate profile management with the default settings, all you have basically done is give you a roaming profile. In fact, many times you'll actually did worse things than standard roaming profile!

Folder Redirection

At the heart of any good strategy profile folder redirection. This is a standard Microsoft functionality that was fully supported via Group Policy since the days of Windows 00 and even something that was done by changes in custom registry since NT 4.0 Terminal Server days. Folder redirection is really the key to any successful profile solution. Whether you use roaming profiles standards, Citrix Profile management or a third party solution such as Flex or AppSense profiles, you must still enable folder redirection.

With Windows 7 Microsoft has significantly improved the Folder Redirection engine to include more files. By default, you can learn to redirect the following folders by using the Group Policy loud engine in Windows:

  • AppData (Roaming)
  • Contact Us
  • Bureau
  • material
  • Downloads
  • Favorites
  • links
  • music
  • pictures
  • Saved Games
  • research
  • Start Menu
  • videos

As part of any well-designed profile solution, you must beredirecting all the listed files below -above. The only exceptions that should be made are folders that you not intend to persist for the user. For example, some companies have no desire to allow users to keep the saved games, so in that case you would not redirect the folder Saved Games and you want to add a policy to exclude the saved games folder synchronization or roaming . By doing this, the Saved Games folder exists only on the local virtual machine if the VM is not persistent, it would be blown logoff / reboot.

One thing you want to make sure you activate your folder redirection policy is the parameter to move the content to the new location. Capturing screen below shows the settings I recommend customers to select with folder redirection.

folder Exclusion

Adding a policy to exclude unwanted files or redirected homelessness or the timing is a common thing that is often overlooked. When using Citrix Profile management, there is a GPO that can be specifically configured to block profile folder synchronization. You should be adding all redirected folders to the list of excluded files and you must also add at least the following folders to the exclusion list "AppData Local", "AppData LocalLow" and "Local Settings "[

Why a case should be excluded if it is redirected? It must be excluded because you can still end up with orphaned files that remain in the profile after the redirect. In addition, very often poorly coded applications will always write to the non-redirected path, causing bloating profile. This is seen quite often, when the hard code a programmer to a path using% userprofile% instead of reading the value of the shell folder.

I can not count how many times I have seen a programmer hard code their application data path as

% userprofile% Application Data CrappyApp

If a hard codes developer using the% USERPROFILE% variable, then it does not matter if AppData was redirected, the application will always write to the local profile folder

Qu 'is what to do is the code for their application to use the% AppData% variable as follows :.

% AppData% GoodApp

by adding an exclusion rule for "Application Data" and "AppData Roaming" you will prevent these evil coded applications bloating profile.

a reminder, you must redirect folders in the default Microsoft GPO and you should be out ALL the profile folder synchronization. Doing this will keep your profiles pretty small, thus improving performance and reducing significantly IOPS.

Application Data

I know what some of you are already thinking, redirecting AppData can cause problems with some applications. Furthermore, with an exclusion rule to kill data written to% userprofile% could cause personal settings of the users to lose. Face it, if an application is coded correctly or not, users want their personal data applications persist between sessions. There are easy ways around these issues; File / inclusion lists of files and application streaming. Lists Let us first how the inclusion lists can answer some of the issues AppData.

folder and the include file

We'll pretend we have an application called CrappyApp. The application developer has the coding error recruit hard "% userprofile% Application Data CrappyApp" the folder where user application data is stored. By redirecting the AppData folder and adding exclusion rules to prevent "% userprofile% Application Data" of homelessness or synchronization profile, all data that application writes to the "% userprofile% Application Data "directory will be lost when the user logs off. If you do your job as an IT professional, you will identify this issue during testing before deploying to production. If you do not catch it, it will not be long before users call and complain that their CrappyApp settings are not saved between logons. This is actually a good thing, because now you know you have a poorly coded application. This means you can open a ticket with the application vendor or with the programming team if an internally developed application so you can get them to correct. I ran on this issue repeatedly with applications 3 e of the party and with applications developed internally by my clients. After explaining the situation to the programmers, they often recognize their mistake and fix it. If they fix or patch will take too long, simply to conduct an analysis to determine which files are written in "% userprofile% Application Data CrappyApp" and that these files must persist. If the directory is small and does not contain a lot of data, you can create an inclusive strategy to add the file folder CrappyApp Back to profile for synchronization.

If the file is large and has many files in it, then you should take a close look and understand exactly what the demand is currently writing and if it really needs persist or not. Since we already know that it is a poorly coded application, it is often not surprising to see the temporary files and other junk being written in the file that does not really need to persist. Often you will find that there is a small DAT file or some INI files that contain all user customization settings that are important. In this case, you must create file synchronization rules that copy the necessary files back into the profile. This can be accomplished by using wildcard rules to synchronize "Application Data CrappyApp *. Dat, * .ini". Adding only the required files via Back to profile synchronization, we allow poorly coded application settings persist, but we always keep the small profile.

An application that needs this type of synchronization is Google Earth. Google Earth writes its data in the "AppData LocalLow Google GoogleEarth". By default, local folders and AppData AppData LocalLow automatically exclude Microsoft roaming profiles and we should also add these files to be excluded from the Citrix Profile Management policy. Microsoft calls the "local" files for a reason; they should not be the default network! Google Earth it will store the cache files and other temporary data here. The cache file is quite large and contains temporary data that should not persist and no. However, Google Earth also stores user My Places and KML files in this directory. These are small XML files with user personalization settings which should persist. So, if Google Earth is used, we add a file inclusion rule for "AppData LocalLow Google GoogleEarth *. Kml" so that these files remain without synchronizing or roam the entire directory. This allows the user happy and keeps low profile.

In addition to Google Earth, there some key features of Microsoft who need this synchronization as well. These include PKI certificate exchange and toolbars. For more information on the file and the file inclusion rules required for these features refer to the following items CTX:

http: //

streaming app

now that we dealt with applications that do not put their data in a folder redirected by default, what about applications that do not like to have their AppData folder redirected to a network share? Sometimes the application crashes or just does not work properly when the AppData folder is on a UNC path. Older versions of Adobe products are known for this. On a positive note, I can say that over the past two years, this problem occurs less and less. Most major applications providers are now familiar with the AppData folder redirected and they code and test their applications against this scenario. It is now very rare that I encounter this problem. However, there still occurs. I recently met a Java application to a client that fails every time it was executed with a redirected AppData folder. So how do I overcome this problem? Enter Citrix Application Streaming to the rescue!

By virtualizing or application with XenApp, we are able to isolate the application and issue new locations of variables and path when the application is launched. It is import to note that I am referring to the streaming feature of XenApp applications where the application is still running on the Windows 7 virtual desktop. I do not mean to host the application on a XenApp server.

So how application streaming for help in this situation? When Streamed application is launched, we can specify a pre-launch script running first. By changing the AppData isolated location in a pre-launch script, we can change the location AppData for continuous application without affecting other applications.

For example, I profiled the application suite Office 03. Probably not the greatest application to use for this illustration since Office 03 is fully compatible with redirected AppData, but I'll use it when even.

The display properties of the streaming application profile, you can assign a pre-launch scenario. Since we only want to change the location for our AppData streaming application, it is important to run the script isolated. See the screenshot below:

As you can see from the screenshot, I mentioned that setappdata.cmd script appointed will launch in the isolation environment before any application. Profile are launched

Below is my script:

my script actually calls another script that I hosted on a server files. The reason I did it is so it is easy to make updates to the script. Every time you put a script in a streaming application profile, it can be cumbersome to change the scripts. So, as a best practice, your script simply calls a master script from a shared location so that if updates are required, you do not need to open and edit the streaming profile. For more details on this see Joe Nord articles in blog about scripts:

/ blogs / 2011/01/21 / app-streaming initiation to Scripts- /

/ blogs / 2011/02 / 04 / app-streaming global-scripts /

If we look at my script on that file server is called, you will see it launch a VBS file.

Now, look at the VBS file that does the real work

VBS script defines four registry keys in the isolated register the application :.

  • It defines two shell buttons AppData folder to point back to AppData% userprofile%
  • It defines two variables% AppData% Environmental Return to% userprofile%

what we did with this script is basically fool the streamed application into thinking the AppData folder has never been redirected.

So now we will see in action. Capturing screen below shows my desktop Windows 7 non-persistent with Streamed copy of Word 03 running with my scripts before launch. How to choose Open from the File menu and enter% AppData% as the directory to open.

As you can see from the screenshot, the AppData variable for Word 03 resolved to% userprofile% AppData Roaming, which is on C :. drive

another way to see where the AppData variable Streamed decides the application is to launch a command prompt for Streamed application. With Word, you can make it through the backdoor by creating a hyperlink to cmd.exe. Capturing screen below shows.

I run CMD prompt the instance Streamed Word so that prompt CMD would also isolated. Note how the variables point to AppData user profile path on C :. Player

Now look what happens when I run a CMD prompt local operating system outside the isolation environment:

as you can see from the screenshot above screen, the local operating system is still using a redirected AppData folder. By using our pre-launch scripts, we were able to redirect AppData successfully return to the local C: drive without affecting other applications

Because, by default, we should exclude% userprofile% AppData Roaming profile synchronization, everything Streamed application writes here will be lost at logoff. However, as we discussed in the previous section, if the files or folders that are written that you want to persist for the user, then you can simply add a synchronization rule so that this data is stored for the user.

As well take advantage of application streaming and synchronization rules / file that I have described here, there is absolutely no reason that you should avoid the redirect AppData. Compatibility problems you encounter with redirected AppData can easily be overcome!

Before proceeding, I would take a second to answer some of the concerns that people raise about the performance of the application when the AppData redirect to a network path. First, let us remember that we are talking about virtual desktops running on a hypervisor. In this scenario, the file share that is used for the AppData folder redirection must be located in the same datacenter and must be strongly linked to virtual desktops. If you are a large company, there is no excuse for connecting your file server or NAS to the network within 10 Gig or at least with multiple aggregated links 1 Gig. When you properly design your file services infrastructure, you will not have performance issues. To put things in perspective, we use Provisioning Services to provide the entire C: drive to the desktop of Windows 7 on the network from a Windows server. When properly designed, nobody complains performance issues with the whole C: drive mounted on the network. In fact, I am a customer production hosting the C: drive to 1500+ concurrent Windows 7 VDI VMs from a single Windows Provisioning Server VM, and there are no performance issues. See the following article:

/ blogs / 2011/07/30 / virtual-provisioning-server-% E2% 80% 93-a-success-real-world-as /

so, if you are experiencing performance problems redirecting some files to AppData over the network to a Windows or NAS, you do something wrong

streaming profile and active Write Back

streaming profile is a function where the files that are part of the profile (files and folders redirected PAS) are copied down, either in the background or when actually accessed by the operating system or applications based on the needs. This can speed up the logon process. This can also reduce the total volume of data downloaded because if a file is not actually used, then it is not completely copied to the local profile folder

This has some value. However, I see too often used as a crutch for bad architected profile management policies. As we discussed in the previous sections, you must redirect all available records, including AppData. If you follow the guidelines I Installed, UPM your profile directory will be quite low. In fact, if you have implemented correctly Profile Management, UPM your file will most likely less than 10 MB.

Here's a screenshot of what you should see in a profile folder UPM properly configured.

Note how there are only 14 files, 27 cases and less than 1.2 MB of total data in this folder UPM. Indeed, all the folder redirection and exclusion rules were properly implemented. In this example, the user of the Google Earth KML files and PKI certificates that must be backed up / synchronized and AppData the profile folder is still extremely low!

As discussed, when you have bad applications or applications that are coded does not work properly redirected AppData, folder and file inclusion rules will cause the AppData folder in the profile to become UPM larger. I'm actually a production user on one of my client systems where I spend a lot of time helping locally with their implementation. Needless to say, I have correctly implemented the management profiles and application streaming in the XenDesktop environment. As part of my normal job functions, I use Internet Explorer, Adobe Reader, Outlook, Word, Excel, Lync, and many other applications. I have PKI certificates for email and the website identification and many other things in my profile. For my profile, what is almost a year and used on an almost weekly basis, my UPM directory contains 67 files, 71 cases for a total of 5 MB of data. 5 MB for a profile that is used regularly and almost a year is excellent! In the most well-designed environments, the UPM profile should rarely exceed 10 - 15MB. This is such a small amount that it should be of no interest from the perspective of opening / closing.

So using me as an example, do you think I should activate the profile streaming? The answer is no! Why should I care about 5MB Loading file data to login? This will not cause performance issues whatsoever. So if you have designed and implemented a management profile, the streaming function will be of little value and is not necessary.

That being said, there are certain limited situations where even with a well-designed management environment profile, you can still get some value from the function of a streaming profile. As discussed, if you have an application that is badly coded or incompatible with AppData redirect, you need to add file rules / sync folder to allow some specific AppData folders to synchronize the logon. If you end up with an application that writes a lot of data that needs to be synchronized, the function of a streaming profile may reduce the logon time and can reduce the total amount of data downloaded from the data will only be downloaded on request when the application actually tries to use the files.

If you run into this situation, so feel free to activate and use the function of a streaming profile. One of the cool things about this feature is that it can be enabled for only specific groups of users. So rather than unnecessarily light for everyone, when you have an application that can benefit from it, you have to put users in a group and only enable the feature for them.

Enable Write Back functionality should be seen in the same light as the characteristic profile streaming. If profiles are large, it can add value. However, if you have implemented a management profile correctly, then your profile should rarely more than about 10 MB of data to be transferred to the session closing, Write Back actively is usually not necessary.

Political Base Line

now that we've covered the basics of what you should redirect and profile management configuration, I thought I would give you GPO sample with the basic policy settings I configure with regard to the management profile and folder Redirection. For simplicity, I rolled all in one GPO. Of course, they would need to be adjusted and modified to be specific for a given production environment, but it will give you a good idea of ​​what you need to set as a baseline.

You can download the report GPO HTM from the following link:

additional references

Make sure you rename the INI file defaults after installing Citrix Profile Management. You should be controlled by UPM Group Policy and not let the unknown parameters to be applied via the INI file. You will find the INI file at:

"% ProgramFiles% Citrix User Profile Manager UPMPolicyDefaults_V2Profile_all.ini"

Do not forget to activate and add the Cookies folder to files Mirror for policy and allow the processing of cookies to log off. See the following for more information:

/ blogs / 2011/01/25 / management letters-of-sync-Internet-Explorer-cookies-using-profile /

http: //

If your users with Outlook PST files, make sure you create policies that force the PST go to the redirected AppData folder. This keeps the PST on the profile and eliminates the need to try to synchronize PST file when connecting or disconnecting. You should not use synchronization Citrix Profile management or feature streaming profiles with PST files. With the release of Outlook 2010, Microsoft fully supports placing the PST on a CIFS share highly connected. And even if it is not "officially" supported, I have clients who have been successfully placing the PST files on CIFS shares strongly connected from the perspectives XP / 03 days without problem.

I hope you find this article useful and it helps you make the most of Citrix Profile Management

Update - August 5, 2012 :! I have had many requests to go more in depth on how to architect and large-scale file services for Citrix Management Profile and Folder Redirection, so I decided to take a three-part series. You can find part 2 on the link below:

/ blogs / 2012/08/05 / citrix-profile-management-and-vdi-do-it-right-hand-2 /


Dan Allen

BYO: No, XenClient is not the place pay CELA

8:27 PM Add Comment
BYO: No, XenClient is not the place pay CELA -

BYO: No, XenClient Is not pay EDAC

Caution .. . I hear here and there more room approximations more on "Manage Bring Your Own (BYO) with XenClient" and the mode "offline VDI" ...

So Let's clear tHINGS input: XenClient is NOT the ideal solution for BYO programs

XenClient use virtualization operating system and Përmet Having SEVERAL instances. not Windows station Sami (eg personal and pro per) in offline mode ... It Seems Attractive When it comes to coexist PC Supplied by the Company and tablets, smartphones, etc. personels. By That said on May Put in place virtual machine professional in June and June personal virtual machine, and all is well. But less you do not know what to make of your IT budget, I urge you lire later. You might Gaining time and money.

Comments? Before Answer, keep in mind the Next point:

- There exists means clustering, simpler Whether rotate
plusieurs instances of Windows (XenApp integration ergonomic with in one office) - There exists of. Other means clustering pay mode Perform offline (with the XenApp application streaming) in fresh Lesser
-. Virtualization Operating System Requires additional licensing June Specific Type Microsoft VDA Who marketing Rules and Special purchase and binding. This is license:
- Either included in the SA to Microsoft CE Who Wants say que la station is owned by the company (bye bye ... BYO)
- Either Purchased Each year pour STATIONS That the company not covered by his SA
- again, there are a lot of question about the possibility to dismiss EC type solution (enterprise license May buy it in June VDA for possessed no material she ne the User May Take it not right for a no infrastructure That he manages to ...)

more information on the VDA licenses: windows / business / buy / buy- windows-7 / virtualisation.aspx

wants BYO say que la position not physical is owned by the company but by the employee. XenClient become "too expensive" car company should payer Each year the VDA ...

The solution is ideal for BYO ... XenApp.

Allows XenApp to integrate the application directly in the office of the user station ergonomics without worries and without the operating system licensing issue.

  • XenApp remote display pour any position (Përmet to Serve POSITIONS Windows but also non-Windows program positions BYO)
  • XenVault (with the XenApp application delivery secure) pay stations with Windows offline

And XenClient So

XenClient offers 4 Major Features Including 2 Determinantes are TODAY:

  • independent picture material: Autant this Functionality May Interesting seem, Autant, now with Windows 7, the image of unique June installation of non is in position Less Less problematic if frock on has A system of provision of XenApp applications like ... It's easy to do, including pay Items not XenClient. XenClient June introduced additional material constraint in EC type of use. This is the future direction in June but not determinant factor today. It is through the idea Let them make this functionality Whether people are interested in starting with the offline mode of the OS, but which can be more simply ... This Obtained the shortcut "XenClient = offline VDI" made by companies and against Which Should you Bring light FlexCast
  • Loading free service and backup / restoration service free :. this point it is interesting car Allows the User to Restore installer and her son Sami workstation at the last backup. A Time even if the applications are managed outside of the base (as with XenApp) and with a good user profiles (RES OÜ AppSense), this feature management loses interest but remains son June Determinante pay the future.
  • Multiple Images: This is the first point of strong and undeniable XenClient: allow to consolidate on the same machine images plusieurs Different ... the main target: the people before have ... on sEVERAL Found positions are Directors, project managers, ... Attention, personal images and pro-that-can be confusing in on calls Often the concept of image of the BYO ... the image of personal freedom is a field by the company and not Let MADE a picture by the user but is ... the Offer of virtual machines SEVERAL with configurations and different security levels ( did in June can be no freedom of space for the user).
  • Enhanced security: is the main asset of XenClient ... USE virtualization pay strengthen Isolation images (abstraction and control of That Which goes by Sami material With A single Image) [autorisation de périphérique ou non, durée de vie, chiffrement, …] and coat Between multiple images pay oFFER SECURité of strong NE levels Can be Obtained by the earlier separation That Physical machines ... the machine of Freedom wITH NEVER Able Endangering the machines, more Secure ...

In summary In a request BYO e XenClient faite by a company, make sure the use and models FlexCast explain who cAN Be Adapted better ... This is your role, you know that ... Now

Sites XenDesktop - Scale Up or Out

7:26 PM Add Comment
Sites XenDesktop - Scale Up or Out -

How many jobs can one XenDesktop 5.x site support? I get asked this question a lot. Tests have been done showing that the site can support 10,000, 20,000 or more workstations. But my question is whether this is really important. After a number, I was still wondering if putting that many jobs in one site is really a good idea. It all comes down to what level of risk you are willing to take. Let me go through what I mean

  • Home Risk: At the basic level, we have a host hypervisor (XenServer, Hyper-V or vSphere). Depending on the hardware and user workload, I'll be running somewhere between 50-100 virtual Windows 7 desktops on each host. If the host has a catastrophic failure, these desktops offline. Users will try to reconnect and they will be sent to other hosts. That's why we recommend a minimum N + 1. If you lose a host, you must have at least one extra to take over. If you lose a host, you can expect most of these users to try to reconnect immediately. Try to support easy connections 50-100
  • Pool / Cluster risk :. A higher level that the host is a host group in a pool or cluster. You'll probably around 800 workstations in a pool / cluster if we assume that you have 10 hosts in a cluster. What happens if we lose the cluster? Depending on the type of failure, you will have one of the following:
    • Connection Failed: If you have a failure where the controller Pool / cluster fails, you will not be able to launch new workstations, but currently active users will not be aware of all the issues
    • default pool / Cluster :. If you lose a whole / cluster pool, you must find a place for the 800 desktop users. Again, if you have N + 1 fault tolerance, you probably have a spare capacity throughout your environment. You should also make sure that your infrastructure can support 800 users attempting to connect simultaneously. This is still not that big of a connection storm
  • Risk XenDesktop site :. A higher level than the pool / cluster is a XenDesktop site. A site may contain 20,000 or more workstations. But what happens if we lose an entire site for some reason? This is rare, but can happen. Remember, once the users are connected, they can work unless their host fails. But if the site is a catastrophic problem during logon storm, we should have a + 1 fault tolerant solution of N, which means that we must find a place in our environment to support 20,000 posts additional work will be used for fault tolerance.

Hope that all makes sense so far. But 20,000 jobs is a lot. The amount of material necessary to support N + 1 solution for 20,000 workstations is a lot. What if we create four XenDesktop site with only 5,000 workstations? I always support 20,000 jobs, but because they are in different sites of XenDesktop, the overall risk is greatly reduced. If something happens to one site, it should not affect the other three sites. These 5,000 users failed site can be balanced through other sites or 5 e site that is used in the case of a major failure (active / passive deployment).

A comment I always hear with this approach is that now I have to manage XenDesktop 4 or 5 sites. You must manage several sites, but you're not really manage additional components. With the process and the appropriate scripts, many of these management tasks can be simplified.

Just because XenDesktop 5.x can support tens of thousands of jobs, you need to determine whether this is the best approach for your business.

Daniel - Lead Architect
XenDesktop Design Handbook

Bytemobile is Citrix Ready

6:25 PM Add Comment
Bytemobile is Citrix Ready -

Bytemobile Today at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, ​​Bytemobile and Citrix announced a strategic partnership to redefine the market for the provision of applications and traffic management for mobile network operators.

widespread use of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices upscale - combined with the explosion of rich media and application delivery on the Web - led network data traffic volume to new heights. With 2G and 3G networks yield to 4G networks - fueling appetites of mobile subscribers for high-definition video, movies, and more - the network capacity has become a business challenge for MNOs. If not managed properly, the results of network congestion in a poor user experience, causing subscribers churn to other networks ORM

carrier networks have traditionally been designed for voice traffic -. Traffic models and data needs require a change in the network design. Voice and data services require completely different service models and thus require a different way of thinking and design.

To manage such a deluge of content, MNOs need to increase the speed and capacity of their networks to provide consistent quality of experience for all subscribers. To do this, we must maximize the efficiency and productivity of network resources. Specifically, to support the acceleration of traffic volumes of rich media and deliver a superior quality of experience (QoE) for all subscribers - regardless of network conditions -. Network operators deploying intelligent tools such as adaptive traffic management and intelligent optimization

[1945001lesplates-formesUnison™etT-Seriesde] Bytemobile are deployed in the heart of the mobile network and offer many levels of traffic management and optimization. Centralized management and reporting of these products facilitate the continued deployment and simplify network operations.

Citrix NetScaler reinforces the benefits of Bytemobile Smart Capacity ™ solutions with industry leading load balancing technology with Pay-As-You-Grow licensing and the best price performance. NetScaler provides 100% application availability with integrated carrier class scalability with speed of 50 gigabits per second and more than 50 million simultaneous TCP connections per device. In addition to providing load balancing and advanced web app optimization, NetScaler, DNS and IPv4 networks / NAT scalable V6 while protecting against denial of service and unauthorized access.

The partnership combines the expertise of Citrix in virtual computing solutions and flexible application delivery with best-in-class traffic management solutions and optimization of Bytemobile data, and its global presence MNO deployments. Under the partnership, Bytemobile has been verified as Citrix Ready®.

powers Citrix NetScaler major cloud providers and world services, and affects about 75 percent of all Internet users each day. Bytemobile technology has been deployed with over 130 operators in over 60 countries, serving nearly 2 billion subscribers. More than 20 petabytes (PB) of data traffic flow through the networks of these operators daily, and Bytemobile technology is responsible for the reduction in total data traffic over a third. Citrix and Bytemobile work together, Application Delivery for mobility will not only innovative, it is ready to be amazing.


Link to PR

Search Citrix Ready catalog here

Join Citrix Ready program here

Imprivata OneSign Virtual Desktop Access for Citrix XenDesktop

5:24 PM Add Comment
Imprivata OneSign Virtual Desktop Access for Citrix XenDesktop -


Join Citrix and Imprivata as they share how you can save your caregivers 15 minutes or more per day and increase the efficiency of your healthcare organization with Imprivata No Click Access ™ for XenDesktop.

Imprivata OneSign® conjunction with Citrix XenDesktop allows No Click Access ™ to smooth roaming desktops. Just the tap of a badge or drag a fingerprint allows caregivers to immediately access their personal desktop from anywhere - to optimize their workflow. Better yet, it saves clicks, saves time and improves care delivery. Certified Citrix Ready ™, OneSign Virtual Desktop Access also lets you add location-aware intelligence to access the virtual office and authentication, automatically enabling mobile users with desktops and personalized access to local resources such as printers.

In this webinar you will see how OneSign Virtual Desktop Access optimizes XenDesktop with:

  • simplified access to personalized desktops clinicians in a virtualized environment
  • compliance HIPAA, including the application passes policy, security at the workplace and access to audit applications
  • supports flexible authentication technologies, including ID badges and biometric fingerprint


Webinar: Imprivata OneSign introduction to Virtual Desktop Access for Citrix XenDesktop

when: 14th March 2012, 13h00-14: 00 EST

Hosted by: Citrix Systems, Inc.

Where: Register Involved here

Ellrod Craig, director of senior technical marketing, Citrix Systems
Michael Bilancieri, director of product management, Imprivata

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Accessing information from any device business is a privilege; it is a right ... at least what employees think

4:23 PM Add Comment
Accessing information from any device business is a privilege; it is a right ... at least what employees think -

The consumerization of IT and the concept of Workshifting are no longer a luxury; they are supposed to benefit all level of business position in the hall of the input board. If companies want to attract and retain the best candidates from around the world, they will not only embrace but excel to offer their current employees and potential increased flexibility and better work-life balance.

So, what are the main catalysts for the implementation of a workshifting initiative that allows employees to access corporate information on personal devices? reduced budgets and competition for top talent are two biggies. A cross section of this "top talent" includes a growing number of millennium in the workforce, and they bring with them their working hypotheses that applications should not operate differently from their personal applications. Moreover, not only flexible work environments appease ERS Gen "Y", it broadens the pool talent for a business beyond local markets. global recruitment efforts are much more realistic when new employees can work anywhere with faster on-boarding, easier sourcing and improved collaboration.

Ironically, "consumerization" seems contrary to the idea of ​​saving money, but allow employees the freedom to bring their own devices to the office by deploying virtual desktops enables companies save an average of 18% to 20% of IT costs.

other savings associated with the freedom to work anywhere at any time include: increased employee productivity / reduced absenteeism, limited operational impact of geographical disasters and speedy recovery of business operations , improving the use of office space with shared workspaces, and reduce real estate costs

obviously the consumerization of iT and mobile work. styles do not pass fads. Employee expectations are rising and companies must meet, if not exceed, these expectations or risk losing qualified candidates to competitors who are ahead of the curve Workshifting. If that is not enough incentive, the economic benefits of a flexible strategy in the workplace are too important to be ignored.

NetScaler - Made to perform! A must read for some tips performance tests!

3:22 PM Add Comment
NetScaler - Made to perform! A must read for some tips performance tests! -

I had an opportunity this week to remember my days of engineering where I sit for hours (more nights) to device under test (DUT) and performance testing tools such as Spirent IXIA or wait and try the ports of the recovery test tool to initialize config to download, test, and test to initialize. Later realized that you forgot some config on the DUT or on the tool and restart all the time-consuming procedures all over again. God thank you for a very patient team with great reconfiguration NetScaler If when needed. He also contributed to ask various experts (SMEs) to see which settings may be missing, etc. on NetScaler and 3rd party testing tools. And through this process, there is a knowledge base (KB) CTX127237 as an engineer NetScaler DevTest wrote some time which gives some details on specific configurations that NetScaler can be of use. Some of these tips can be for the SSL configuration, capacity testing, compression, concurrent TCP connection and some others specifically for Ixia test tool.

Very good article that is available for Citrix Sales / SE to use. Do not hesitate to contact your Citrix representative for some of these tips if needed.

In addition to the advice of NetScaler, I also learned that the third party models have improved tremendously since I worked on these tools. Some even have specific performance models such as L7 HTTP RPS, L4 CPS, etc. So it's certainly good to look for existing models that might already be available for your existing performance testing tools. It was also useful to work with 3rd party representative tool to get the last maximum or limitations on certain modules or chassis used in particular for HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1, IPv4, IPv6, etc. For example, for one of the tests has forced us to make maximum concurrent TCP connection, but we continue to hit the maximum 10M 15M instead of that we expected this test. We later learned that the maximum in a single card is 10M, hence the need to make 2 cards for this test.

At the end of the test suite that had to run in front of a client, of course NetScaler Rocks !! :-)

Webinar: Reduce virtual SAN storage office costs with XenDesktop Personal vDisk

2:21 PM Add Comment
Webinar: Reduce virtual SAN storage office costs with XenDesktop Personal vDisk -

The next TechTalk webinar is 15 noon (GMT) on Thursday, March 15th. We will examine the Citrix Personal vDisk, a new XenDesktop 5.6 functionality is available in all editions of the product. The personal vDisk slashed SAN storage requirements and, ultimately, the cost for VDI-based virtual desktops.

Register here.

Partners want to build business and increase pipeline? Visit Citrix concierge at the top marketing!

1:20 PM Add Comment
Partners want to build business and increase pipeline? Visit Citrix concierge at the top marketing! -

Citrix Marketing Concierge is back for our second year at the top! This year, it is available for Americas and partners EMEA

Visit us at center Partner Solutions on the second floor of Moscone Center on May 7 - 8, 2012, where your participation you enter a drawing to win a prize ...

Making our debut at the Summit in San Francisco last year in May, 2011, NEW janitor marketing was presented to Americas partners with a new generation tool demand, new features and functions, and an updated way to manage MDF / Coop center with a new "FUND". This year we are proud to have EMEA partners join Citrix Marketing Concierge we present many new features, campaigns and functions to the platform that will help our partners build their business and increase pipeline and opportunities.

With a focus on latest Citrix products and solutions, Citrix is ​​now marketing Concierge lA path [pourobtenirCitrixacréédumatérieldemarketingdeconstruirepersonnalisésgo-to-marketdescampagneshébergervotrepropredirectouvirtuelévénementsgérerlespagesd'inscriptionlesparamètresdecapturedeplombetbeaucoupbeaucoupplus!Toutenutilisantuneseuleplate-formerobustefacileàutiliser

Still No ' not get started using the tool? No problem! Simply log in to your My Citrix account and select "Marketing Concierge" from the toolbox menu. From there, "Launch Citrix Marketing Concierge", and you will be perfectly connected to the concierge marketing platform. Once you are on the home page, you can start building your own unique campaigns and hosting your live or virtual events. Sky is the limit!

What do you expect? Register now for the Summit, the premier training conference for Citrix partners to learn about the latest solutions for Desktop Virtualization, Mobile Workstyles, corporate networks and cloud Cloud Convergence. And, come to visit Citrix Concierge Marketing Solutions Center partner 7th and 8th May 2012!

Follow me on twitter for the latest Citrix Marketing Concierge @ctxmkgconcierge updates, connect with me on LinkedIn or email Sheralyn Felix to

Go to Summit? Go through the Partner Solutions Center!

12:19 PM Add Comment
Go to Summit? Go through the Partner Solutions Center! -

Visit us at Citrix Marketing Concierge to stand Summit and see demo of all new campaigns and associated sets of keys. We will show you the features of the tool, we will give you "tips" and best practices for the website

Partner Solutions Center is open :.

  • Monday, May 7th, 12: 00-17h00


  • Tuesday, May 8 08h00-17: 00

visit us and we'll show you how to generate leads and increase your pipeline! Sign up today for the summit!

Follow me on twitter @GabriellaFPinto

The "Blob" is Application Management

11:18 AM Add Comment
The "Blob" is Application Management -
The other night my son asked, "Dad, why do you blob? Is this not an old monster movie? "When I stopped laughing, I told him I had a blog, not blob. But this little exchange reminded me of a recent conversation I had with a client
I asked the customer how they provide application management to their business clients he said. "We do not do that." When I asked "Why?" he responded with "It takes too much time and money. Our application portfolio is a blob of headaches and frustration." I told him his "application portfolio blob days are more. "And then I went to show him what I meant.
Currently, application portfolio management consists of manual processes to track and update applications in a corporate portfolio , if done at all. plus it is likely that the annual demand unsubscribe year and is a portfolio of applications. There is no structure, there is little or no governance, it is more as blob eats away hours and dollars.
Imagine having the ability to "see" your application portfolio and plan a path for the future. Did you know that your applications can dictate what technology is best for your business? Whether a server-based computing model using XenApp hosted or RDS, virtualization applications such as XenApp and App-V or even migrate your Web applications IE6-7 in iE 8 -9 migration software from Citrix AppDNA application is your answer.
Citrix AppDNA Application Management
Speed ​​up your Windows 7 Assessment
Come to Citrix Synergy 2012 in San Francisco and May 9-11 laissez we show you how to put some structure and planning around your management applications so that you can eliminate the "blob" is that you r portfolio application.
I know you are interested and ask what you need to do ...
  1. Attend Citrix Synergy
  2. Attending the Citrix AppDNA Deep Dive class
  3. ask us (now or in the classroom)
hope to see you at Citrix Synergy 2012 in San Francisco

Desktop Transformation - high-level project plan

10:17 PM Add Comment
Desktop Transformation - high-level project plan -

Evaluation of Desktop Transformation (DTA) is part of the overall desktop transformation model (DTM) providing clear guidance on how to turn "Wow" in "How." during this series of blog posts, I discussed the seven key phases that make up the DTA. And in the last blog post in this series, it's time to discuss the final stage of the DTA:

  1. Define business priorities
  2. Application Evaluation
  3. user Segmentation
  4. capacity assessment
  5. high-level design
  6. transformation office Roadmap
  7. project plan senior

now that you're almost ready to present your key results for the project developer, you should develop a high-level project plan so that you are ready to discuss time and resources. Make sure you keep things in perspective. - Want to have a good overview in place, but I would not spend too much time mapping out your plan that you will not have enough details at this stage to be super accurate

so what should you include? The high-level project plan should bring the previous six phases together in a clear strategy office processing. Treat each user group as a separate project and order according to priorities established during the stage of the project roadmap. This will help ensure that the company receives the maximum value for their investment as soon as possible.

I like to create two different graphs to describe the high level of the proposed plan. The first provides a high level overview that is useful for presentations and high-level discussions. The second is a standard table glove provides an additional level of detail that I find useful in justifying resource requirements. If you do not want to reinvent the wheel, and why should you, see Justin Zacks blog on how you can use the desktop processing accelerator to create the project plan for you. There are no hard and fast rule to estimate the duration of each phase will be all down to the complexity of the environment, skills involved and the scale of the environment. I've provided samples of each table below.

Once I created my maps and feel happy with the estimates, I'll run through them again and make a list of requirements that must be in place for each key date. This is particularly important in a large corporate environment where the implementation of these activities can take a very long time. You'd be surprised at the frequency of delayed projects because this milestone has been missed. Beware of the following five prerequisites:

  1. address key risks identified in the capacity assessment prior to the construction phase
  2. Make sure your hardware , network, server. Virtualization, Active Directory (services, policy statements, OU structure), the basic requirements and data storage are in place before the start of the construction phase.
  3. licenses should ideally be purchased before the start of the construction phase.
  4. training Schedule for the support staff before the start of the implementation phase.
  5. Many people underestimate the time required to package applications. Make sure you start this process early enough so that applications can be fully verified during the test phase.

My first post on the DTA, I mentioned that there were four key issues that always get asked at the beginning of any transformation project. By following the guidelines in this blog series, you should now have a good understanding of what is required to respond. Here is a summary:?

  1. What should I do first The high-level project plan prioritizes the rehabilitation of the main risks identified in the capacity assessment. It also uses the results of the Roadmap Desktop Transformation to prioritize the design, construction and testing phases for each group of identified users.
  2. Will it work in my environment? The capacity assessment examines the existing environment to identify gaps and risks, such as the lack of data center space, insufficient bandwidth or sets of missing skills within the team Support.
  3. How much it cost? overall costs can be calculated on the basis of corrective actions identified during the assessment of capacity, infrastructure identified in the high-level design and the resources requested in the high-level project plan.
  4. How long will it take? The high-level project plan will provide a time estimate for each user group by project phase.

I hope you have found this series of informative blog posts. If you have any questions or suggested topics for future blog posts, leave please comment below.

If you want to know more about the desktop transformation model, why not check out the five parts in small desktop transformation on groups at Citrix Synergy San Francisco May 10 e

Here are the details:

SYN131 - Start your desktop transformation journey with Citrix Consulting best practices

10 May 11:30 to 12:15

  • Overview of desktop transformation methodology
  • best practices and advice on proces user segmentation
  • How to succeed by using tools of Citrix Consulting

SYN139 - successful design office processing with Citrix Consulting best practices

May 10, 2:00 p.m. to 14: 45

  • A modular architecture that will accommodate growth
  • Best practices for the delivery of the image and office design
  • development of a "basket" for the necessary equipment

SYN133 - Design office processing user experience with Citrix best practices Council

May 10, 15: 00-15h45

  • Provide personalized environment through the use of profiles and personal vDisk
  • Alignment of the safety functions with the requirements of the user segment
  • Optimizing Citrix HDX technology for fast or difficult networks

SYN135 - Go live with your desktop transformation project with Citrix Consulting best practices

May 10th, 16: 00- 4:45 p.m.

  • validation of the solution with test cases
  • Recommendations for the development of a pilot program
  • integration Guidelines additional user segments

SYN137 - Keep your office processing environment works well with Citrix Consulting best practices

May 10, 17: 00-to-17: 45

  • operating Guidelines for an office environment transformed
  • tools to help automate and simplify ongoing maintenance
  • basic troubleshooting tips to track down the root cause of a problem

I hope to see you there

Andy Baker - Architect
Worldwide Consulting
Desktop Team & Applications
Manual Virtual Desktop
Accelerator Project
Follow @CTXConsulting

Bring your customers to Synergy and show them the Cloud!

9:16 PM Add Comment
Bring your customers to Synergy and show them the Cloud! -

Synergy is a great sales facilitator, and it has been shown that guests attending Citrix Synergy will produce six times more income over three years that a non-participant. Partners, do not miss this opportunity to buy passes for your customers and prospects using your money MDF / Coop! Go Citrix Concierge Marketing - Center Fund and more

Synergy participants will learn how cloud virtualization technologies and networking are transforming the workplace to the cloud era and to provide more choice, agility and simplicity to organizations of all sizes. A wide variety of presenters, analysts customers to partners, will join the Citrix product experts to provide diverse and stimulating discussions.

Follow me on twitter @GabriellaFPinto and get the latest updates on events and Citrix Citrix janitor marketing.

SYN227: Uplevel your Access Gateway deployment to the cloud (Gateway)

8:15 PM Add Comment
SYN227: Uplevel your Access Gateway deployment to the cloud (Gateway) -

Synergy 2012 @ SFO

Citrix Access Gateway is a secure access applications solution that provides administrators granular control at the application level while allowing users to remotely access from anywhere. Built with a clear intention to improve the delivery of applications, Access Gateway is the de facto way to access your hosted applications and desktops (XenApp, XenDesktop). Access Gateway has an enviable list of features:

  • highly scalable devices based on the platform NetScalar class industry
  • Excellent integration with XenApp and XenDsktop for SmartAccess to deliver applications and desktops.
  • Available as Virtual Appliance
  • Control access based on various parameters such as the user, the device, the trusted device, location, ...
  • End Point Analysis to define the access category
  • Be productive and access your applications in motion, without the creation of VPN tunnels

But trends change. Mobility is a reality that every business needs to embrace. In doing so, not let IT security problems? Is it true that the multitude of gadgets per employee, opened new threats / challenges for IT? If that is not enough, add to the diversity of applications that users want to access, thanks to the explosion of the Web and SaaS applications running in the cloud. How IT meet these new challenges?

Citrix is ​​committed to the delivery of applications, the safest way possible! We @ Citrix, have a vision much more than just VPN solution. We believe in looking at the big picture, and to go out with and end to extreme solutions for our customers. Citrix Access Gateway evolves from a simple remote access solution to solving many difficult challenges, while ensuring that your data and applications are always safe!

Hear us @ Synergy 2012 , being held in San Francisco. Here are the details of my session:

session number: SYN227
Track: Enterprise Networks cloud
Date / Time: May 9, 08: 00 - 08:45
House: Moscone West 2014
Type session: Breakout
Level session: technical - Intro
product Category: Access Gateway, CloudGateway
content-type: What's New

Estamos para ansiosos vê not-lo Summit!

7:14 PM Add Comment
Estamos para ansiosos vê not-lo Summit! -

Você está procurando novas formas de gerar led pipeline seu e aumentar? Nós temos a resposta para você! Attended a Sessão do Citrix Marketing Concierge em San Francisco na terça - feira, dia 8 de Maio, das 10:00 horas às 10:45 horas (SUM123).

Especialistas da Citrix Irão mostrar como é fácil usar esta plataforma. Seus customize emails, CREE páginas of inscrição, carregue suas listas of contatos e suas Campanhas lance from da ferramenta receba e todas as métricas. Aproveite as recent marketing Campanhas But da Citrix e personaliza-as Quiser COME! Não perca esta excelente oportunidade!

Venha our visitar not Partner Solutions Center no segundo andar do Moscone Center na segunda-feira, dia 7 de Maio, das 24:00 horas horas às 5:00 p.m. terça E-feira, dia 8 de Maio, das 8:00 às horas 5:00 p.m. horas.

Use seus Fundos MDF / Coop wenn ao Summit Leve e seus Clientes ao Synergy! Click to acessar o Citrix Marketing Concierge / Fund Centre para saber But.

Siga-me no twitter e receba that Últimas notícias @GabriellaFPinto

NetScaler Synergy Session 304 - a client session to assist

6:13 PM Add Comment
NetScaler Synergy Session 304 - a client session to assist -
In this session, the AOL team proudly go by how they created the best experience for their end users by providing the most effective, and fastest network possible. The very competent presenters will go through how they were optimizing performance on their network traffic to the tools they use in the optimization of their traffic. Hearing of this must-see session also get a glimpse of the amount of NetScaler products they have in various case studies they used to verify their performance improvements to their configuration. Here is a screenshot of one of the results of the case study to wet your appetite - so definitely plan to attend, because it can not be missed
More details and information presenters for this session. And for the rest of Synergy sessions, here is a blog synergy with all the information.

Enterprise Clouds - Do not hit the wall

5:11 PM Add Comment
Enterprise Clouds - Do not hit the wall -

If you have tried an Olympic distance marathon, you may know what it is like to "hit the wall. It is the sudden and painful fatigue that sets in when you have depleted your energy - but not yet completed the race. For some, it comes at the midpoint. For others, it fixed when the finish line is awfully close. Each time this happens, it hurt - and you will soon not forget

Some CIOs companies are starting to "hit the wall" that transform their traditional datacenters in the clouds of the company. . At the finish line are elastic and promises virtually unlimited capacity, coupled with the economy as Amazon for computing, storage and networking. The start of this race, it turns out, was safe and widely known: virtualize compute. wide adoption of virtualization in the server level, and rapid innovation in the tools of management and orchestration gave the companies of energy and momentum to move in this cloud business run at a clip friendly. It feels good and progress is impressive, but the wall is coming. This wall is the data center network.

Build an enterprise cloud requires an entirely new approach to networking data centers. (! Yes, the network) The network must have the same attributes of cloud that led innovation and investment to date, including: the elastic performance, better control and security, simplicity management, and more. This becomes essential that the flow of traffic moving east-west between virtual machines in a virtualized data center, rather than north-south in a segmented silo. It can be simple to increase capacity or performance in isolation (ie a single application), but when the network is flat and greater horizontal scale is needed - on all of the application, Web and the level data - the challenges are very different. No surprise then that successful enterprise clouds are built on a cloud network the company .

Citrix NetScaler team pushed the envelope on networking cloud for years. In fact, if you do not look, NetScaler powers over cloud computing income than any other application delivery controller or load balancing on the planet. Now NetScaler 10 - our new version - brings these cloud capabilities to traditional businesses. Just a quick sampling of the 0 new features in this landmark release:

  • Drive cloud scale with revolutionary technology Citrix TriScale , the fulfillment of the promise of cloud architectures by enabling network-wide performance uP to 5x request scale OUT capacity up to 32x seamless expansion and scale in the consolidation by the collapse of 40 devices in a single platform.
  • Empower control and confidence with full application security and visibility for cloud networks leveraging new ActionAnalytics -. delivering real-time reporting applications and critical information services and adaptive policy controls that automatically gives NetScaler policies to the dynamic characteristics of application traffic
  • Provide infinite flexibility with built-in cloud connectivity . integrated cloud transition capabilities make hybrid cloud architectures a reality by connecting easily on-prem NetScaler appliances with third cloud infrastructure -. while preserving the performance, security and transparency

NetScaler 10 laps the # 1 Internet distribution system in the most advanced cloud networking platform (for not to mention demolishing the wall that is directly ahead).

5 good reasons to sign up for the Citrix Summit

4:10 PM Add Comment
5 good reasons to sign up for the Citrix Summit -

The countdown to the Citrix Summit has begun!

I hope you are registered and organizing your plans for an outstanding week of training on the hottest topics that transform businesses into the era Cloud and where you will receive a first-hand what is new and the road paved for Citrix and your business. The combination of Summit and Synergy can not be measured like this really provides a return on investment and incredible networking opportunity. With so many reasons to join us at the top of San Francisco on 7 May, I thought it might be useful to mention only some of the key benefits here.

The list of the training benefits of the Summit

1. Training in record time: agenda TheSummit packs the value of training depth technical of weeks in a few days for optimum efficiency and profitability. Working sessions, instructor-led and self-study Learning Labs, live demonstrations, Partner Solutions Center and free Citrix certification exams will be at the top level of your knowledge, skills and qualifications.

2. Direct Line up Citrix brass: Hear directly from CEO Mark Templeton and other executives with visionary keynotes about what's new, what's coming and how you can take advantage of market opportunities in cloud computing, virtualization and networking. Do not rely on the vine - come to the source

3 !. Networking around the clock : Today, there is no substitute for building relationships face-to-face. Summit brings together the people you want to meet and offers many networking opportunities. Stay at the Synergy conference (included in the registration Summit) and mingle with customers and prospects.

4. broadened horizons: Summit will open your eyes to new business opportunities in the cloud era - the huge potential of new cloud solutions to accelerated adoption of virtualization technologies. Take time away from your day to learn about hot topics, trends, opportunities and key market drivers.

5. A Smart Investment: Bottom line, Summit is a wise investment for your business, your partnership with Citrix and your own professional development. You return to the office with a better understanding of the cloud era, stronger relationships and new tools and ideas for selling, implementing and supporting the latest Citrix solutions

For all these reasons -. And much more - Summit is your best value of the conference. You can count on it! Register today.

High-Availability Ready-To-Go!

3:09 PM Add Comment
High-Availability Ready-To-Go! -

Discover new dynamic networking campaigns Citrix Concierge marketing. All four campaigns include: emails, registration pages, white papers, and much more! Find out how Citrix ensures high availability of critical services office of the optimal load balancing users across multiple Web Interface servers; and how workstations can be integrated with a solution of remote access SSL VPN highly scalable and secure. Also, learn how NetScaler transparently and seamlessly redirects users to a backup data center in case of failure in the main data center.

Go to Citrix Concierge Marketing and Search keyword " network ".

Try these new campaigns and give me your feedback.

See the synergy between Citrix and Dell at Synergy Barcelona

2:08 PM Add Comment
See the synergy between Citrix and Dell at Synergy Barcelona -

Citrix Synergy Barcelona is only a little over a week. We are counting down the days and counting the sponsors who will be present. The list is long (50 to be exact) with eight who have never participated in Synergy EMEA before-so you're sure to see something new and interesting entire event. This week I am with a spotlight on another of our Platinum, Dell sponsors.

A Synergy Barcelona, ​​you will see Dell products and services everywhere, but you might not even know. Behind the scenes, Stack Dell Integrated Solution feeds the main sections of the event, including the BYO mobility experience, the registration office Synergy, and session tracking, to name a few. All around you, the Dell PowerEdge Blade, EqualLogic PS series and Hyper-V will be the work of transformation, acceleration and management of Citrix XenDesktop virtual desktop deployments. And you will not see one thing: what you see is what everything works perfectly. Pretty cool, huh ?!

If you want to see what really happens, you must go to the Dell booth Dell will present its Dell Desktop Virtualization Solutions (DDVS). DDVS brings enterprise computing to virtually any computing device the end user, anytime, anywhere. Whether you want to build your own VDI or buy a service, Dell offers a solution delivery model that can meet the needs of your organization. Dell offers the advantages of desktop virtualization while reducing the complexities of the design and implementation across a range of hosted applications and custom solutions including Virtual Desktop-as-a-Service.

So take advantage of the synergy between Citrix and Dell when you have records and throughout the conference. To learn more about Dell and other Synergy sponsors exhibitors and sponsors section of the website of Synergy

Citrix XenClient - What happens at the top of Citrix and Citrix Synergy Barcelona

1:07 PM Add Comment
Citrix XenClient - What happens at the top of Citrix and Citrix Synergy Barcelona -

Your compañeros Citrix XenClient team are pleased to present and XenClient XenClient XT Summit Citrix partners October 24 e - 25 e and Citrix Synergy October 26 e to October 28 e in Barcelona, ​​Spain . We demos, breakout sessions and even a special guest speaker

XenClient - What?

For those of you not familiar with XenClient Synchronizer for XenClient or, XenClient is a local virtual desktop solution based on a true Type 1 client hypervisor that runs on bare metal and provides high performance and security. XenClient enables users to run multiple local virtual desktops simultaneously, side by side in complete isolation. Users fed XenClient laptops can access their various virtual desktops anywhere, anytime, even while disconnected from the network. Citrix Synchronizer for XenClient enables laptops with XenClient to download virtual desktops centrally managed. Using Synchronizer, it may centralized backup of user data through the secure connection every time the user connects to the Internet,
define security policies for managed laptops, disable laptops XenClient lost or stolen and restore virtual desktop to a user on a XenClient based laptop.

XenClient demonstrations

Visit us at Booth Citrix in the Solutions Expo to see a demo of XenClient Synchronizer for XenClient and XenClient XT. We will present the latest technical developments XenClient and answer any questions you may have about this technology ready for production. Solutions Expo will be open Tuesday, October 25 from 18: 30-22h00 on Wednesday, 26th October from 30-17h00 noon and Thursday, October 27 e of 30-17h00 noon. We are impatient to meet you!

XenClient Breakout Sessions

Whether you are attending the Summit of Citrix partners or lounge Citrix Synergy, we have a breakout for you! Join us in the three sessions to learn all about XenClient

  • FlexCast: Leverage Local VM (XenClient) Desktops for desktop PC Mobility , on 25 October, 13: 00-13: 45 speakers: Manu Chauhan, Senior Product Manager for XenClient, Citrix Systems and Dr. Ryan Durante, head of the area of ​​Croix Solutions and innovation section, Air Force Research Lab, AFRL / RIEB
  • FlexCast: local VM (XenClient) Desktops Go mobile, 26th October, 17: 30-18: 15 Speakers: Raymond Chew, senior Product Manager for XenClient, Citrix Systems and Dr. Ryan Durante, head of field solutions and innovation Section Cross, Lab Air Force Research AFRL / RIEB
  • XenClient best practices with Douglas Brown, increasingly using virtualization layers to simplify the Windows Desktop management October 27 16: 00-17: 30 Speakers: Douglas Brown, founder and Peter Blum, director of product management and marketing, Citrix Systems

guest speaker

We are pleased to have Dr. Ryan Durante, head of field solutions and innovation Cross Section, Air Force Research Lab, AFRL / RIEB Summit partners Citrix and Citrix Synergy. Dr. Durante co-present during our two breakout sessions so we hope you'll join us as he talks about his experience with XenClient XT.

Intel Breakout Session

Jesus Garcia from Intel will be a discussion session on what the company calls Intelligent Desktop Virtualization October 27 e 14:00. XenClient is optimized to run on Intel vPro hardware virtualization technology to deliver 3D graphics and high-definition video. Manu Chauhan XenClient team co-present with Jesus for part of the session and a demonstration of XenClient.

In conclusion ....

Please stop by our booth to tell us what you think of XenClient. Feel free to follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook where we point out all the latest news XenClient at Citrix Synergy Barcelona.

Hands-on Learning Labs - what do you think

12:06 PM Add Comment
Hands-on Learning Labs - what do you think -

Many of our partners are in hands-on learning labs this morning. Some stats for fans to do there - throughout Summit & Synergy, we have 49 laboratory sessions through 7 classrooms with this year more than 1470 students enrolled - a capacity increase of 462 in Berlin. In total, 159 hours of content, against 118 in Berlin last year.

It would be great to hear some of you who attended understand what you think deep dives 3 hours and 5 -Hour workshops put us together?

mobile management application? No! We really do not mean to Mobile Device Management

11:05 AM Add Comment
mobile management application? No! We really do not mean to Mobile Device Management -

This morning, we introduced the world to a new way to access and centralized control and aggregate all their applications - Windows, web and SaaS apps. The new Citrix CloudGateway solution provide unique solutions to both end users and IT: end users, using Citrix Receiver will have one place to go on a device or a platform for all their applications, work-related data and the files. IT is getting a single pane of glass to manage - secure, provision, orchestrate, and de-provision - all their corporate desktop apps regardless of location (applications or users). CloudGateway the solution is very clearly a point in providing the infrastructure to support the new era of cloud turning.

Another type of application that is ready to support CloudGateway is the new world of mobile applications. It was five years ago, the idea of ​​the mobile applications ecosystem was very new. However, with the explosion of the smartphone era, starting with the iPhone and more dramatically with Android devices, it is clear that all Unified App Controller must include and integrate mobile applications Similarly it would have traditionally supported Windows applications.

with the explosion of mobile applications has been the explosion of companies focused on mobile device management (MDM) as a way to manage mobile devices, platforms and applications. Do not confuse the MDM market and ecosystem with what we propose to Citrix. As we have with XenDesktop and Citrix Receiver, we are interested to disaggregate application security and delivery of the platform. Our vision to support mobile applications in CloudGateway is described as the mobile application management (MAM anyone?) Rather than managing devices. This option is enabled via Citrix Receiver. As a solution platform specific access, native, app, receiver provides the best way to aggregate and access all applications, including mobile applications. With Citrix Receiver is positioned to provide a single, agnostic device, mobile application solution that delivers the power to configure, encrypt, encapsulate and deliver remote wipe and powerful mobile applications on end-user devices.

even more important this solution, as we have with business windows and web applications, will disintegrate IT having to manage devices. Let device management to the end user - let them do what they like or devices that suits their style - and focus on IT security access to applications. This distinction is important because unlike some of our competitors who have solutions to take over portions of end user devices, the Citrix solution takes no attempt to carve only company resources from personal devices. Citrix Receiver is the only portal associate applications and corporate data. It works on all devices for the better, seamless experience of native end user can

An obvious question this new infrastructure provides is whether it can provide a write once, run anywhere solution: Can we afford mobile applications written for one device to run on devices not running the native operating system? In short, the answer is yes! As we demonstrated last May, providing a plug-in architecture supported, Citrix Receiver already supports a plug-in that provides partners of BlueStacks Android apps support Windows platforms. We are actively working to extend this support to any compatible client Citrix Receiver. That's right - you'll be able to run Android applications on iOS devices, QNX, Windows or Macintosh

If this management solution mobile application sounds familiar, it's likely because is simply an extension of what we have always said about. Citrix infrastructure: any application seamlessly delivered to any end user, on any device, anywhere. This is another example of Citrix care dedicated to providing the ultimate solution to support mobile workstyles!

More details on the mobile application management solution Citrix CloudGateway will be available in the coming months with the first iterations of the solution becomes available in the first half of 2012.

Announcing XenClient 2.1! Discover what's new!

10:04 PM Add Comment
Announcing XenClient 2.1! Discover what's new! -
Earlier this year Citrix XenClient 2 and introduced Synchronizer for XenClient. The release introduced a host of new features that greatly expanded hardware compatibility, delivered a simplified user experience, and allowed larger deployments, more complex production of XenClient.
To continue this momentum, today our Citrix Synergy ™, we announced XenClient 2.1. This update includes a number of new product enhancements such as simplified management via Windows image dynamic overlay for an easier, more reliable and more cost effective to manage updates, the location of XenClient for international experience more engaging and intuitive, and an extension of the security, isolation, and extreme performance capabilities of editing XenClient XT portable systems.
This post will feature technical details of the updates delivered in XenClient 2.1 and we will also follow up with another post that will cover what this means for your business.
what's new in XenClient 2.1?
  • SIMPLIFIED WINDOWS IMAGE dE MANAGEMENT with dynamic stratification provides an easier, more reliable, cost-effective, and most of the management of system updates with minimal impact to end users more control and agility for IT. Today, computer generally deploy a Windows image initial liable for employees who then often add their own applications and changes. This causes a shift of the computer image initially deployed and can introduce conflicts and incompatibilities of applications of the system that can lead to increased costs by triggering more calls to the help desk. The new dynamic layering functionality XenClient changes this paradigm by ensuring that the defined IT pictures are applied on an ongoing basis. This can significantly reduce helpdesk break / fix calls. With this new feature, an IT administrator can now simply apply the changes they want a single image in the data center and sent automatically to their XenClient devices. This feature also reduces the risk of making changes to the desktop environment. If there are problems with an update, the dynamic image management capability can simply undo the change - something difficult to do today in traditional environments. This also can reduce disruptions and performance degradations to users when updates. Rather than live a long process often local installation, the changes are downloaded in the background and applied to the user's system in the time it takes to restart Windows.
  • XenClient NOW LOCALIZED which allows end users around the world to live a more engaging and familiar experience when using the product. This release introduces customer lateral support for German, French, Spanish, Japanese and Simplified Chinese. Citrix has seen tremendous traction with XenClient in international markets, which reaffirms our commitment to deliver capabilities our customers need to expand their use of the solution on a global basis.
  • XenClient XT GOES MOBILE that extends the extreme security, isolation and performance benefits of the XT edition of XenClient to laptop systems. The first version of XenClient XT was designed to provide unmatched isolation on desktop systems for cases of multi-level security use. This version extends these capabilities to laptop computers to allow untethered use of XenClient XT in both secure campus and in field environments.
Want more details? Read on!
XenClient 2.1
  • DYNAMIC IMAGE SET allows the Synchronizer for XenClient to provide an image in layers is assembled dynamically when running on a local XenClient system. This technology allows a single image management in the data center of a dynamic virtual local desktop computer running on many systems XenClient.
  • DELTA UPDATES IMAGE allows the Synchronizer for XenClient intelligently Delver only the changes between versions Windows image to a XenClient system. This system also allows administrators to roll forward multiple versions at once. This ensures that the dynamic virtual local workstations on XenClient settings are moved to the latest Windows desktop administrator defined automatically and efficiently.
  • SYSTEM UPGRADES FAST allows a minimum fine of downtime when updating Windows dynamic images. The updates are transferred in the context of systems XenClient Synchronizer for XenClient via. Once the update has been delivered locally, the next time the end user starts their system, they are immediately moved to the latest version of the Windows image delivered IT. Even significant changes such as new versions of Office or Windows service packs are applied in the time it takes to restart Windows, giving users an immediate productivity.
  • LOCKDOWN AUTOMATIC IMAGE ensure that it only approved changes and approved applications are installed on a dynamic local virtual desktop image running on XenClient. changes in the user outside of their user data and profile are automatically purged from the system ensures a clean and consistent environment at startup.
  • WINDOWS IMAGE ROLLBACK allows the cancellation for Windows button. This feature allows administrators to rollback to a previous version of Windows image in the time it takes to restart Windows. This reduces the risk of making changes to an environment because they can easily be canceled.
  • SELF-SERVICE INSTALL allows end users to customize their environment by installing approved IT applications via Citrix Receiver for Windows. Citrix Receiver gives users an easy to use integrated showcase for Windows, web and SaaS applications.
  • ENHANCE RELIABILITY through corrections and improvements to a number of problems identified after the original release, such as 3D graphics stability, USB support virtualized, improved handling of multi- partition Windows images by the Synchronizer, and support for connecting to active Directory Synchronizer OR systems with non-standard structures.
XenClient XT 2.1
reminder XenClient XT is an edition of XenClient specifically designed to allow multilevel secure local virtual desktops. It was built to meet the isolation, security, and the most extreme performance requirements for local virtual desktops in environments of public sector clients.
  • XenClient XT refreshed for XenClient 2 code base that makes this edition of XenClient inherit the many improvements provided by XenClient 2 that includes a redesigned and simplified user experience , greater VM memory support, and additional hardware support for the latest generation Core ™ vPro ™ platform from Intel on both laptops and desktops.
  • multiple monitors and GPUS XenClient XT allows you to run multiple virtual desktops local Windows each with their own dedicated graphics cards and monitors with native performance 3D graphics. An innovative system of transparent mouse provides a simple user experience where a simple movement of the mouse on the edge of the screen firmly remaps keyboard and mouse to neighboring local monitors and virtual desktops.
Citrix is ​​actively invest and expand XenClient and Synchronizer for XenClient with this new version that offers compelling capabilities, improvements and corrections less than one quarter after the release of XenClient XenClient 2 is 2.1 available on the Citrix Web site at the end of the year. But if you have not yet tried XenClient, why wait? You can go with XenClient 2 today and it is simple on air leveling switch to the new version once it is released

So download XenClient 2 here
:. Http: / /

and connect with us online so we can make you know when XenClient 2.1 is
available for download:
  • Web: XenClient product
  • Twitter: @XenClientArmy
  • Facebook : XenClient
  • Forums: XenClient 2

My Synergy Diary - Day 2 Synergy

9:03 PM Add Comment
My Synergy Diary - Day 2 Synergy -

I am here in Barcelona this week to attend any Summit and Synergy. So I decided to keep a diary of my time here, so I can share my experiences of the sessions I attended and people I meet.

Day 2 of Synergy was probably the busiest day for me, I had to facilitate for both XenDesktop sessions 3:00 and help to stand and learning convivial lounge studies for tools as a service.

Among all I have to spend time with Hugh Guidera which is a system engineer for Citrix Online. Hugh crossed me a demo of GoToManage, really great tool for remote support. I wanted to know more about how the tool worked, what fuctionality was available to see if it was something that we could use to support or tools as a service initiative.

I took easily tonight after many late nights :-) So I went back to the Italian restaurant we visited on Monday with Jerome, Flo and Jose-Luis. Also did some shopping and picked up a couple of things for children and women.

I also took many pictures during the event you can find on the Citrix Support site Facebook


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  • XenApp
  • XenClient
  • XenDesktop
  • XenServer

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