Project Phaser (Print Server Universal) Tech Preview released

8:27 PM
Project Phaser (Print Server Universal) Tech Preview released -

For those of you who have been anxiously awaiting the Citrix Universal Print Server, it is finally here!

As promised during my session Summit in Barcelona last few weeks the technical overview of the Phaser project was assigned to November 8, 2011. All Citrix client that is ongoing with Subscription Advantage can download and evaluate the new feature of XenDesktop and XenApp.

This also means that you stop guys can stop filling my request packets inbox UPS beta and start sending me real feedback on your experiences with the preview code release :-)

what Phaser project?
Phaser project represents the second phase of the laser, a multi-year initiative to improve printing. The first Laser fruits were delivered last year in XenApp 6 Printing Optimization Pack which focused on optimizing the print content and improve the printing speed. The characteristics of the laser are now included in XenDesktop 5.0 and XenApp 5.5 and 6.5.

Building on these initial deliverables Laser, Phaser project now extends Citrix Universal Print solutions to cover network printing scenarios. Here, we talk about the situation in which the host application directly accesses the shared printers on a network print server. Since access occurs directly from the session on the print server, sessions initiated from any type of customer will now have access to a full establishment of universal printing.

A Universal universal printing solution
When I say any type of customer, I really mean tOUT client. The solution in no way not depend on the capabilities customers because customers are simply not involved in the printing functions

For users, the solution looks and behaves exactly like sharing solution native Windows printing with two notable exceptions :.

  1. The Citrix universal drivers can be used for these network printer connections. This means that there is no need for all the world's printer drivers to be available on your XenDesktop or XenApp host.
  2. When the host application and print server are separated by a wide area network, the user experience to interact with the remote printer will be greatly improved because the protocols used are optimized for networks extended.

Here is a link to a short video made by Nicholas Carpenter (Phaser project test) provides a brief introduction to prop value Phaser Project.

How does the Phaser?
As you may know, the current universal printing solution provided in XenDesktop and XenApp works only with Windows endpoints equipped with the native Win32 client software. Indeed, the solution is based on a thin pilot being universal implementation in the host that acts as a proxy for running printer driver on the Windows client computer. The universal driver communicates with the running print engine on the client through a virtual channel ICA designed.

So that the engineering team has done is to adapt the UPD print engine to operate as a network service to a printer based on Windows server instead of a Windows client. Sounds easy, right?
Conceptually yes ... but in practice, this meant building a complete solution from one end to the network print server with the client, server and protocols that operate as Windows waits PLUS do all the things unique that are required to support Citrix universal printing needs.

Furthermore, protocols used must be carefully designed to perform well over WANs. In the end, we opted for a SOAP Web service-based protocol for communication of procedural elements of the print server universal driver. However this would not be the best choice to provide print workflow. So the delivery of compressed print data is carried out via a secondary TCP connection to a connection used by active print streams.

The diagram below illustrates the key elements of the solution.

Tech preview Packages
The Phaser Tech prerelease project works with XenDesktop or XenApp 5.5 or 6.5. However, to use the solution, you will also need one or more print servers running Windows Server 08 x86 (eg original 32 bit WS 08). Print servers running on 64-bit Windows Server 08 R2 are not quite ready.

After downloading the technology preview, you will see two exes self-extracting (UPClient and UPServer) plus several scripts to patch the necessary components.

The UPClient package must be deployed to XenApp 6.5 server or XenDesktop VDA 5.5 machine. In future versions XenApp and XenDesktop, this component will be delivered and installed automatically. The UPClient package can be installed on any platform supported by XenDesktop VDA 5.5 (WinXP, Vista or Windows 7, 64 or 32 bits) or XenApp 6.5 (Windows Server 08 R2).

The UPServer package adds the necessary services for an existing Windows print server. For preview technology, this must be an x86 server from Windows Server 08, but we will add support for Windows Server 08 R2 in the GA release.

The batch files are needed to update a couple of components with UPS knowledge. In particular, the Citrix Print Manager service must be aware of the UPS network printer connections to properly apply the driver policies. Furthermore, in order to configure the use of the inverter (it is disabled by default), a policy console update is needed. Indications for application of these updates are provided in the release notes with the technical package preview.

GA is scheduled for the first half of 2012, but the actual release date will depend on your comments and our beta test full capacity on all supported platforms. So please download the technology preview bits and lets us know what you think.


  • MyCitrix download page for UPS Tech Preview
  • UPS Tech Preview release notes
  • UPS Tech Preview support forum

- Gary Barton
Architect, Citrix HDX team

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