Citrix App Quick Deployment Guide studio

6:49 PM
Citrix App Quick Deployment Guide studio -

This article describes how to install Citrix App Studio with a very simple configuration. It includes a brief overview of the base deployment architecture of Citrix App Studio followed by step guided procedure that shows how to set up the simplest possible configuration so you can begin using Citrix App Studio now.

Basic Deployment Architecture

a basic deployment Citrix App studio consists of an Active Directory domain, Microsoft SQL server, at least one Citrix App studio management server, and servers running Citrix XenApp components. All servers must be running Microsoft Windows Server 08 R2 and must have .NET 4.0 installed and .NET 3.5 installed as a server role. They can be either physical machines or virtual machines running on one or more hypervisors

The following diagram shows the components of a basic deployment :.

  • Active Directory domain functional level to Windows Server 08 R2 - Citrix App Studio requires a directory domain administrator and active credentials for the domain . Before installing Citrix App Studio, you create an organizational unit (OU) to be managed by Citrix App Studio
  • Microsoft SQL Server Version 08 SP1 or later, configured with the authentication mode mixed -. Microsoft SQL Server is used to store the Citrix XenApp App Studio and your setup configuration. For our basic deployment, you need credentials for the account of the SQL Server, and the administrator of your domain must be configured as a SQL Server administrator. Your SQL server must be accessible from the network; Make sure the Windows Firewall is configured to allow access to the program "sqlservr.exe". Note :. SQL Server Express Edition is not supported
  • Machine 1 - This machine hosts Citrix App Studio management components. This includes the Citrix App Orchestration Engine and Citrix Web Console App Studio
  • Machine 2 - .. This machine running Citrix Web Interface configured for broker sessions using the XenApp controllers
  • machine 3 and 4 - These machines operate Citrix XenApp configured as primary and backup controllers respectively
  • machine 5 -. This machine is running Citrix XenApp configured as an RD Session Host for XenApp controllers. You must install the applications you want to host on these machines.

We'll use Citrix App Delivery Configuration Tools to automatically configure XenApp and Web Interface, so it is not necessary to pre-install Citrix software on these machines


Make sure you have the following conditions: ..

  • active Directory domain where Citrix App studio will be deployed
  • domain GPOs for Citrix App studio set. Refer to "Configuring GPO" section for instructions.
  • Credentials administrator for the Active Directory domain.
  • OR Citrix App Studio created. This guide assumes that the OU will be "[domain] / CitrixAppStudio".
  • OR where computers and users tenants reside. This guide assumes that the OU will be "[domain] / CitrixAppStudio / tenants."
  • SQL Server 08 SP1 or later, configured to allow mixed mode authentication.
  • Windows Firewall on the SQL Server engine configured to allow network traffic to the sqlservr.exe program. Refer to the section "Configuring SQL Server Firewall Settings" for instructions.
  • The password for the SQL Server "sa" user.
  • domain administrator configured as administrator SQL Server database.
  • GPO for PowerShell remoting, related to Citrix App studio and OR (if different) the organizational unit where the SQL Server engine resides.
  • at least 5 machines (physical or virtual) running Windows Server 08 R2, and joined the active Directory domain.
    • at least one of them must have installed applications that you want to offer as a hosted service.
    • All machines must have both .NET 3.5 server role is enabled, and the .NET 4.0 runtime installed. You can find the .NET runtime 4.0 in the "Support" directory of the Citrix App Studio media .
    • All machines must reside in an OU that is a child of the organizational unit where the GPO is linked to PowerShell Remoting.
    • XenApp 6.5 DVD image on a network share that you have write access. You can download the image XenApp 6.5 DVD from here if you have not already.
    • A Citrix License Server, version 11.9 or higher, with an installed XenApp Prime CSP license.

GPOs Configuration

There are some Directory active GPO that must be created to ensure that your machines are properly configured to run Citrix App Studio. The following sections describe and provide instructions for the creation of the GPO.

PowerShell execution policy

Before installing Citrix App Studio, set the PowerShell execution policy on servers required using Group Policy. To do this, use Group Policy Management Console to configure the Enable script execution policy setting.

  1. on a joint server to the domain, open the Group Policy Management Console (gpmc.msc) and create a new Group Policy object (GPO) or modify an existing one. This GPO should be associated with the following servers in the Citrix App Studio environment:
    • Citrix App Studio Management Server
    • XenApp controllers and host of the session
    • server Web interface
    • database server hosting agricultural databases XenApp
  2. from the group policy management editor, navigate to configuration PC > Policies > administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows PowerShell .
  3. Right-click Enable script execution and select Change .
  4. Select On , and then, under options , select Allow only signed scripts .
  5. To apply the settings on each server, open a PowerShell command window and run gpupdate.

PowerShell Remoting

You can configure PowerShell Remoting on all servers in the domain using Group Policy. To do this, use Group Policy Management Console to enable the WinRM service, configure the listeners, set the amount of session memory, and provide a list of trusted hosts. You will also need to configure the WinRM service to start automatically and ensure Windows Firewall allows traffic through the ports assigned to WinRM

Note :. By default, WinRM 2.0 uses port 5985 for HTTP and 5986 for HTTPS traffic. If you use firewall between Citrix App Studio management server and other servers in your deployment, make sure that these ports are enabled.

  1. on a joint server to the domain, open the Group Policy Management Console (gpmc.msc) and create a new Group Policy object (GPO) or modify an existing one. This GPO should be linked to all servers in the Citrix App Studio environment.
  2. In the Group Policy Management Editor, navigate to Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components
  3. Use the following table to configure the policy settings needed :.
Definition Location and Name Policy Framework Setting values ​​
windows remote Management (WinRM)> WinRM service Allow automatic configuration of listeners
  • Enabled.
  • to configure WinRM to listen on all addresses, type an asterisk (*) in the IPv4 Filter and IPv6 Filter fields.
Windows Remote Management (WinRM)> WinRM customer Trusted hosts
  • Enabled.
  • In TrustedHostsList , type an asterisk (*) to indicate all hosts are trusted.
Windows Remote Shell Specify maximum amount of memory in MB per Shell
  • Enabled .
  • In MaxMemoryPerShellMB , type 1000 .
Specify the maximum number of remote shells per user
  • Enabled.
  • In MaxShellsPerUser type 0 indicates an unlimited number of shells.
  1. Access Computer Configuration > Policies > Parameters Windows > security Settings > System services
  2. Double-click the remote management services Windows and select options following :.
    • Define this policy setting
    • automatic
  3. Access configuration of computer > policies > Windows Settings > security Settings > Windows Firewall with Advanced security > Windows firewall with security > advanced inbound Rules .
  4. Right-click Inbound Rules and select New Rule .
  5. In the New Rule Wizard entering, the rule type page, select Predefined , then select Windows Remote Management rule. Click Next .
  6. On Predefined rules , accept the defaults and click Next .
  7. On action page provide Allow connection is selected and click Finish .
  8. To apply the settings on each server, open a PowerShell command window and run gpupdate (you can do this step once all GPOs are created).

Agent Polling interval

by default, the Citrix App agents studio ballot for the execution of the workflow, once every 5 minutes. The polling interval is adjustable, with shorter intervals resulting in more server load to the configuration service and higher intervals resulting in a longer delay before the configuration takes effect. For our rapid deployment, we create a small number of machines that we can reduce the polling interval and speed up dramatically the configuration without creating a high server or network load on the Citrix App Studio management server.

To reduce the polling interval to 15 seconds:

  1. Create or modify a policy attached to the shared allocation OR
  2. Navigate to Computer Configuration -> preferences -> Windows settings -> register
  3. right click on the registry and select New -> registry Item
  4. Define the following:
    • action: update
    • Key Path: SOFTWARE Citrix CloudAppManagement Agent
    • value name: SyncIntervalSeconds
    • value Type: REG_DWORD
    • value data: 15
    • base: Decimal
  5. OK
  6. to apply the settings on each server, open a PowerShell command window and run gpupdate (you can do this step once all GPOs are created).

Enable Windows 7 look and Feel Hosted Desktops

In this simple deployment, you create a hosted desktop. To provide users with a desktop that has the Windows 7 look and feel:

  1. Enable the "Group Policy Management" on the Citrix App Studio management server (machine 1 in the diagram below above).
  2. Launch Toolkit Provider Service automation link on the Start menu, located at:
    • Start -> All Programs -> Citrix -> App Delivery Configuration Tools -> App Configuration Tools delivery PowerShell (x64)
  3. Run. New CtxManagedDesktopGPO.ps1 order.
  4. When the order is complete, open the Group Policy Management Console and link these GPOs to Citrix App Studio OR:
    • CtxStartMenuTaskbarUser (user GPO)
    • CtxPersonalizableUser (user GPO)
    • CtxRestrictedComputer (computer GPO)
  5. to apply the settings on each server, open a PowerShell command window and run gpupdate (you can do this step once all GPOs are created).

Configuring SQL Server Firewall Settings

To ensure that the database server can communicate as needed with other servers in your deployment, create a Windows Firewall policy on the database server that allows connections with other servers.

  1. on the database server, click Start > Administrative Tools > Windows Firewall with Advanced Security .
  2. In the left pane, click Inbound Rules .
  3. Right-click Inbound Rules and select New Rule . Assistant New Inbound rule appears.
  4. On Rule Type page, select Program then click Next .
  5. On program page, select This program path then click Browse .
  6. Locate and select the SQL Server executable, and then click Open . Generally, on a server running a 64-bit operating system, the executable SQL Server is in C :. Program Files Microsoft SQL Server MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER MSSQL Binn sqlservr.exe
  7. On action page, select Allow connection and click Next .
  8. On profile page, select domain Private and public .
  9. On name Page [enteranamefortheruleandclick Finish


Complete the following steps on the machine 1 :.

  • Open the folder where you have the Citrix App Studio and run setup.exe image. When the installer starts, click the "Get Started" button and then look at the EULA and click "I accept the terms of the license agreement" and click the "Next" button. When you are ready to install, click "Install When the installation is successfully completed, click" Close "and the Citrix App Studio Server configuration starts automatically
  • You will be presented with two choices.: . "Create a new deployment" or "Join an existing deployment". Click the "Create a new deployment" button.
  • Then you need to enter your database information. you can accept the name default database or enter another. Then enter the name of the database server and the name and the user's password from its SQL server. When you click "Next", the information database will be checked . Note: Citrix App Studio supports only SQL native authentication for basic deployment data
  • Then you need to choose an SSL configuration option .. It is highly recommended to use SSL. Deployments that do not use SSL will result in administrative credentials being transmitted in the clear over an insecure network. If you choose to use SSL, choose an SSL certificate that is installed in your certificate store. When finished, click "Next."
  • Finally, specify the path to your image XenApp 6.5 DVD. This is necessary to allow patching of XenApp DVD with a new version of the Citrix Delivery App configuration tools and Orchestration Citrix App Agents. Note that you must have write access on the chosen path. Click "Next" when finished.
  • Check all configuration information you entered. If correct, click "Configure". At this point, the configuration will be applied. When the configuration completes successfully, click "Close" and the Citrix Web App Studio console starts automatically.

Global Settings Configuration

Now that you have completed the installation and configuration of the server on one machine, you are ready to set global settings Citrix App studio. Citrix App Studio Web Console should be started automatically when you close the app server configuration, but if it was not, or you accidentally closed, simply click on "Citrix App Studio" in your Start menu under All programs -> Citrix.

when you connect to Citrix App studio using your credentials, you should see the welcome screen that includes a link that says "Configure Citrix App Studio". Click the link to display the Global Settings assistant

The first page will ask you the following :.

  • License Server - This is the name of your Citrix License Server [
  • allocation of shared domain - This is the name of your Active Directory domain
  • OR shared allocation -. This is the name of the current directory OR you created for Citrix App Studio. For our simple deployment, use the default value: CitrixAppStudio
  • OR import shared infrastructure - When you enter the shared allocation OU, this field is automatically set to "[SharedAllocationOU] / Infrastructure ". For our simple deployment, use the default value: CitrixAppStudio / Infrastructure
  • OR Disarmed server - When you enter the shared allocation OU, this field is automatically set to "[SharedAllocationOU] / servers decommissioned ". For our simple deployment, use the default value: CitrixAppStudio / Servers decommissioned
  • Username :. This is the domain administrator user name
  • Password :. This is the domain administrator password

When you have completed this page, click "Next"

The second page will ask for information on the first catalog of the farm :.

  • name - This is the name for your first catalog of the farm. For our simple deployment, use the default :. "Catalog Starter Farm"
  • - Description This is the description of the farm catalog. Use the default
  • Tags - .. is a list of tags for agricultural catalog
  • maximum machinery operation by the workload - This is the maximum number of computers that session will be attached to a single firm in the catalog. If a workload demand capacity that exceeds that number, another firm will be allocated. For the simple deployment, use the default value: 500
  • agricultural import OR - This is the OU that will be used to identify machines that act as controllers and agricultural farms import in the catalog. This field will be set automatically based on the shared allocation unit and the catalog name of the farm that we have specified. For our simple deployment, use the default.

When you have completed this page, click "Next."

The third page asks you information on basic agricultural data catalog credentials:

  • firm based authentication type data - Choose whether access at the base of the farm will be carried out using Windows authentication or SQL authentication. For easy deployment, choose the Windows
  • Authentication
  • Username - .. Enter the user name of the Windows domain administrator who is a SQL Server database administrator
  • -Enter Password Windows Password field. director who is a SQL Server database administrator

When you have completed this page, click "Next"

fourth page will ask you information about the first catalog workload:.

  • name - This is the name of your first catalog of the workload. For our simple deployment, use "WorkloadCatalog1"
  • - Description. Such is the description of the catalog of the workload. Leave blank
  • Tags - .. is a list of tags to the catalog of the workload
  • Machine Workload import OR - This is the OU that will be followed for identify machines that act as session hosts and import these machines in the catalog. This field will be set automatically based on the shared allocation unit and the catalog name of the workload we have specified. For our simple deployment, use the default.

When you have completed this page, click "Next."

consider all the summary information and click "Finish" if it is correct. Global settings will be saved.

At this point, you can click Workflows to see the tasks that the system performance to configure deployment. If no workflows running, click the History button to see the completed workflow.

Adding a Web server interface

The home screen should now show that the initial configuration and setup is complete. Now we need to add a Web Interface server. Just click on the link "How can I do this?" In the "Add Web Interface servers" section for custom instructions on how to do it for your deployment.

Following the instructions, the machine name should be the name of the machine 2 in the diagram "basic deployment architecture."

Furthermore, the DVD XenApp path you specify must be the one you provided during the Citrix App Studio Server configuration.

once you have completed the steps and given the system a little time to process the application, the Home screen should show that the Web Interface server has been added. You can always consult the Workflows page to see what the system is doing. Note that it may take up to 5 minutes after the complete New CamWIServer script before the system recognizes the server in the import unit and begin the import process.

Added a farm in the agricultural catalog

home screen should now show that the Web Interface server has been added. Now we need to add a farm in farm catalog. Just click on the link "How can I do this?" In the "Add farms in Farm Starter catalog" to get personalized instructions on how to do it for your deployment.

When following the instructions, machine names for primary and backup controllers must be the names of the machine machine 3 and 4 respectively in the diagram "basic deployment architecture."

Furthermore, the XenApp DVD path you specify must be the one you provided at the Citrix App Server Configuration Studio.

once you have completed the steps and given the system a little time to process the application, the Home screen should show that the farm has been added. You can always consult the Workflows page to see what the system is doing. Note that it may take up to 5 minutes after the complete New CamFarm script before the system recognizes the controllers of the farm in the organization of import unit and starts the import process.

Adding a machine to catalog Workload

home screen should now show that the farm has been added. Now we need to add a machine to catalog the workload. Just click on the link "How can I do this?" In the "Add machines WC1" section for custom instructions on how to do it for your deployment.

Following the instructions, the name of the host machine for the session should be the name of the machine 5 in the diagram "basic deployment architecture."

Furthermore, the XenApp DVD path you specify must be the one you provided at the Citrix App Studio Server configuration.

Once you have completed the steps and given the system a little time to process the application, the Home screen should show that the machine has been added. You can always consult the Workflows page to see what the system is doing.

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