New Killswitch Scripts and VPN functionality added

12:56 PM
New Killswitch Scripts and VPN functionality added -

An anonymous VPN tunnel is a great way to keep your online business safe from prying eyes. Although TorGuard VPN service is very reliable and stay connected for weeks, there are some cases that can cause disruption to your Internet and VPN. Some examples may include: power outages, ISP outages, or disconnection of the occasional random VPN. When the accidental disconnection, it is possible that random data packets can become accidentally transported by your personal IP address, leaving you unprotected.

How do you protect from leaking your personal IP address in the event of a disconnection? The answer is to use a specific VPN kill-switch application or a full VPN connection kill-switch.

App VPN Kill-Switch

The best way to ensure that no program accidentally routes by your personal IP address is to use a VPN killswitch specific application. This functionality is built into the TorGuard Lite VPN application on all platforms, including Windows, Mac and Linux. For our example, we will show the Windows client, but the process is very similar for other platforms

to access the VPN killswitch application, simply click the Settings button on the main screen TorGuard app :.

New VPN Servers

then click the tab kill application and type the name of running processes you want to end the VPN disconnection. If you do not know the name of the process, you can click the Select button to the right and choose from a list of active applications. For Windows users, type the name of exact process (eg notepad.exe), while Mac or Linux users only need to type the name of the application (eg transmission).

New VPN Servers

Click Save to apply your settings and connect and disconnect from the VPN to test your new application killswitch!

Kill-switch VPN connection and VPN scripts

another way to protect against accidental leaks IP is to install a complete Internet connection killswitch VPN. In the case of accidental disconnection, the killswitch automatically disable your entire Internet adapter. This is useful if you want to completely close the ALL Internet access when disconnecting. To access this feature, first click on the link settings on the TorGuard Lite main screen. Then click the "Scripts" tap. Then download and save our Internet connection Killswitch script. Click the Select button and locate the newly saved script. Then click on the "Run Scripts" box and click Save to apply your changes.

New VPN Servers

The new VPN functionality Scripts allows a high level of customization to its VPN. These scripts can automate many tasks on pre / connecting / disconnecting the VPN. Examples of batch scripts that can be used in Windows:

- Internet connection Killswitch

- Launch App to Connect

- Set DNS Static

- Connect on launch site

have you a personalized VPN script that you want to share with other members of the WG? Spend our VPN forum and post a link!

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