NEW balanced load Anonymous Proxy Server

10:05 AM
NEW balanced load Anonymous Proxy Server -
Breaking news

TorGuard continued to improve our torrent anonymous proxy services this month by adding a proxy server option balanced new load. This new option will prevent proxy failures and significantly improve the speed by automatically routing your torrent client at the faster location near you. If a proxy server become inaccessible, you will be automatically transferred to the next fastest server.Taking advantage of this new feature is easy! Just open your torrent client settings and replace your current proxy with IP:

Click Apply, then make sure to completely restart your torrent software. Customers who still wish to connect to a dedicated proxy IP address can continue to do so without any service interruption. You can find the latest list of IP socks5 proxy in members are under "My Services."

still have a question? Visit our knowledge base for complete instructions on how to update your settings with utorent / bittorrent, Vuze and Deluge. If you are still having trouble setting up your software with this new proxy option, please contact us for help.

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