What 'Passpoint WiFi and why should you do care

9:17 PM
What 'Passpoint WiFi and why should you do care -

According to the Wi-Fi Alliance, there are more than one million points WiFi access points worldwide. Moreover, a report by the market research company Informa Telecoms and Media (Informa.com) indicates that the number of wireless access points are set to grow to 5.8 million worldwide over the next four years .

While it is good to have acess to WiFi everywhere we go, there are problems with connectivity and security flawless. First, the connection process in most hotspot environments can be heavy. In addition, public WiFi is wide open and vulnerable to wireless sniffers. Without the protection of a VPN (virtual private network), data on your wireless devices are vulnerable to criminals.

In cooperation with device manufacturers and service providers, a new program was set up to treat seemless connection and security issues.

as the Wi-Fi Alliance

"Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint ™ will change the way users connect to WiFi hotspots networks by making the search process and to obtain access to the right seamless network. It also provides user connections with WPA2 ™ security protection, which allows you to feel confident that your data is secure. mobile devices that are certified for Passpoint such as phones and tablets, can still be used in existing hotspots. However, when you are in a Passpoint hotspot on, you will discover a newly smooth connectivity experience. "

an additional benefit WiFi for seamless means less use of data on the network 3 / 4G carrier. With carriers about nixing unlimited data usage, consumers find they need to update their data plans so they do not exceed their limit. With Passpoint, data usage will drop when WiFi connections happen effortlessly.

This is great news for millions of people who now use their digital wireless devices exclusively. But always keep in mind that no matter what you use, laptop, tablet, mobile player or cordless phone is inherently insecure and up Passpoint becomes as ubiquitous, such as a VPN Hotspot Shield VPN is also a essential layer of protection for your wireless devices.

Robert Siciliano on Google+

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