Monitoring got you down? Encryption works

12:07 PM
Monitoring got you down? Encryption works - .

Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of the UN Human Rights states that "no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence."

this statement seems to take a lot of attention these days in a recent online chat Q & a with a former NSA contractor, a user has asked the question. "Does my email encrypt all good to defeat surveillance? ? Is my data protected by encryption standard "

Former NSA contractor said:

" encryption works. Properly implemented strong cryptographic systems are one of the few things you can count on. "

As more information is presented regarding mass surveillance and recording by the private sector, there is an increased interest in order to keep your personal web browsing and emails - private good in a world where almost everything we do and say is online, the risk of your digital metadata online fall into the wrong hands is quickly becoming a reality this article will review some of the more simple the.. the most effective ways to keep your online habits and communication through secure private email from prying eyes of others.

VPN service


$ per month has never gone so far to protect his life Web browsing of web privately. One of the easiest and most effective to keep your browsing private Web online is by accessing the Internet via the VPN service in TorGuard. When you access the Internet, your own IP address is linked to everything you do. This activity trail, or "metadata", we now know can be recorded by the ISP, network administrator, or even the red pirates. Armed with your personal IP address and meta-data stack, it is possible for someone to track online activity of a person for months or even years in the past. All of your Google search terms, history and downloads of your browser may become public knowledge if the data were to be compromised.

How can remain anonymous on the Internet?

The answer is simple: the VPN service. With just the click of a button, the VPN TorGuard Service encrypts the entire Internet connection via a private server for everything you do online passes through this secure tunnel. For example, even if your located in one place, your Web connection could almost be encrypted via a VPN private server in Iceland. TorGuard offers encrypted VPN servers in the US, UK, Canada, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Spain, Italy, Iceland, New Zealand, Switzerland and more .. when web access via VPN, your activity suddenly becomes invisible to an administrator nosy network. In addition, your personal IP address will be linked to your web browsing or Internet activity.

Anonymous Email

Have you ever bought something online and sent the receipt to your gmail account to notice online ads for similar products being displayed for days? This is no accident: your email provider is reading your mail to better serve you ads. This is a common practice among large suppliers name and email, unfortunately, new deteriorates. We now know that it is extremely easy for your emails to fall into the wrong hands because of mass surveillance and recording programs. Years of private electronic communications could eventually become public, if those files had to be found to be the wrong person.

How can we keep communications private and anonymous email?

The response can still be found in the encryption. TorGuard offers encrypted OpenPGP, easy to use webmail service that make use of the easy-mail encryption. Anonymous email TorGuard keeps your private online communications and secure. You have the power only to encrypt a message before it leaves your inbox with OpenPGP encrytion .. Currently, there is no known method that will allow a person or group to break the OpenPGP encryption by cryptographic means or calculation. TorGuard webmail has a plethora of features you expect from an e-mail service, allowing you to mass import messages, or even customize the look and feel of your box. Anonymous email service today and registration Checkout TorGuard for free 10mb box!

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