Comcast is now injecting code into Browsers

1:21 PM
Comcast is now injecting code into Browsers -

Today I'll tell you a story. A company history that foreigners speak of whispering jealous. The trophy boy of America. The superhero company that gives the Internet at all, at a known price for its customer service ranked top amazing affordable. This company is Comcast. Okay, see something wrong yet?

Well, it's not a secret that Comcast is in many ways a horrible business. In 2014, they were voted just as the "Worst Company in America". public relations disasters are like bread and butter for this company, with numerous public showing poor customer service and the public reveals describing the detailed review of the business retention specialists use Harang for their clients. To put the icing on the cake, the company has managed to pull a man to complain to receive the service to poor clients.

But wait! There is more!

Comcast now planning on inject JavaScript code into their customer data flows . This code will display overlays on web pages that remind Internet customers thirsty for their data capitalization thresholds. Comcast described these overlays as unwelcome "in-browser notifications." Wonderful!

Another interesting possibility is an overlay that indicates that your modem may need to be replaced. Yeah, you know that they gave you that already looked, felt and acted 5 years too old? Unfortunately, this code injection is a function, or a checklist that you can withdraw when configuring your service. No, he's here to stay, and they do not want you to do anything about it. the web page of the policy itself even seems very innocent.

There are many things wrong with the injection of data. These notifications in browsers might not have limits as they may obscure your content, slow web pages, or even break the Web pages themselves. or, if you're aesthetically inclined, they could simply make everything look like a panel display of trash.

In a way, this data injection is a reminder of how much power Internet service providers may have with your Internet connection. They can snoop on you, read your data, and use this data on the market for you, adjust prices, and have their way with you.

Some would say it is the responsibility of the consumer to protect companies or that it is not difficult to get silly things like annoying ads. In some ways, this is very true. Using a premium service as TorGuard powerful VPN VPN is very simple. It only requires connection to a single client. He even cross-platform mobile application availability- included! TorGuard VPN service maintains fast speeds while it encrypts your traffic, while concealing what you do from a nosy ISP.

Again, if companies like Comcast did not seek to expand their business into possible with data caps and therefore the code injection procedures to implement, monitor and improve their models, monetization we do not have to worry about anything in the first place. Well, perhaps corrupt governments, hackers, region locks-OK! There are still many reasons we need VPN.

This is the age of internet censorship and great firewall, the age of the injection data stream, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood ISP. Protect yourself while you can with TorGuard VPN.

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