PRISM is real: Meet the Whisteblower Edward Snowden

6:38 PM
PRISM is real: Meet the Whisteblower Edward Snowden -

After the recent leak of Internet surveillance documents allegedly classified, much remains wondering: Is this for real, or just some hoax

For those undecided: ask for more. The person responsible for one of the biggest leaks in US political history is Edward Snowden, a former assistant techincal 29 years for the CIA and the employee of defense contractor "Booz Allen Hamilton." Snowden worked closely with the NSA for the last four years and has also been used by many other entrepreneurs like Booz Allen and Dell.

the Guardian, which, after several days of interviews, has decided to reveal his identity at the request of Edward. in his words, "I do not intend to hide who I am because I know that I have done nothing wrong."

Snowden will probably be in the history books as one of the most consistent whistleblower USA, join the ranks of Daniel Ellsberg and Bradley Manning. It is solely responsible for the physical delivery of one of the most secret organizations worlds - the NSA

In a footnote to the first set of documents provided he writes. "I understand that I am made to suffer for my actions, "but" I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that govern the world that I love are revealed, even for a moment. "

he is not afraid of the consequences of making public the leak, he said, only that it will divert attention from the issues raised by his revelations. "I know that the media like to personalize policy debates, and I know that the government will demonize me."

Despite these fears, there remained hope its release will not distract of the substance of his revelations. ". I really want the focus to be on these documents and the debate that I hope it will trigger among citizens around the world in what kind of world we want to live "He added:" My only motive is to inform the public to what is done in their name and what is done against them. "

he had" a very comfortable life "that included a salary of about $ 0,000, a girlfriend with whom he sharing a house in Hawaii, a stable career and a family he loves. "I am ready to sacrifice all this because I can not in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, Internet freedom and fundamental freedoms for people around the world with this huge machine surveillance they secretly building. "

" I'm not afraid, because this is the choice I did. "

PRISM is a game changer, no doubt about it. Many had earlier suspicions of government registration, but before the leak did not know how much. Now it is no secret that the NSA government and the US has records of every e-mail, Web page, phone call, instant Messenger, Google Search and more , saved on a server in some top secret complex.

How can we keep them secure communications now

The answer is simple: Encryption, encryption, and encryption. Follow these simple steps below to secure your communications online:

1) Use an anonymous VPN service that does not take the papers, as TorGuard .. Run a VPN tunnel on all your devices, including desktop, laptop, smartphone and wireless router. TorGuard provides 5 VPN concurrent connections per account, so you have no excuse.

2.) Drop Gmail, Ymail, and more. Do not like the idea of ​​your personal emails become forever archived by the NSA? Making the transition to an anonymous email provider as TorGuard PGP Encrypted Webmail at sea. For private communications, be sure to use PGP end to end encryption on your messages.

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