In the wake of recent events regarding Edward Snowden, NSA , GCHQ and the truth behind some of our online privacy means to governments around the world, a new report was published by David Kaye, a special UN rapporteur for freedom of expression, calling for better conditions for online privacy through encryption and anonymity.
Kaye's report will be held at the Council on Human Rights of the United Nations in Geneva later in June. The rapporteur said in his report that there has never been a more important time to talk about our rights to anonymity and encryption in the digital space.
There is more widely known how faraway societies and governments can go poking into our lives and invade our privacy online and these privacy concerns are sitting on a gray line blurred the frontiers of laws on human rights.
The new report suggests solutions that nations should choose to establish an environment for individuals to exercise freedom of opinion and expression safely. It largely talking about encryption tools and their interdependence with privacy and anonymity. The report Kaye says one of the safest methods to stay encrypted and anonymous online is to use anonymity tools such as proxies, VPN and browsers as TOR.
Unfortunately, many countries are actively trying to fight against such anonymity tools, and Kaye believes rules should be established to allow equitable access to these encryption methods, and in fact, the use of tools like TOR should be encouraged.
" States should establish or revise, if necessary, national laws and regulations to promote and protect the rights to privacy and freedom of opinion and expression, "the report said.
The UN report touches on some other areas related to the anonymity and the online encryption, with the application of laws and regulations for access to the tools of anonymity to secure defenders of human rights and journalists communications being one of them.
The report also suggests that restrictions on encryption and anonymity should be forbidden. comprehensive bans for such technology should never be necessary. Users of digital communications should not be forced to provide their identification to use methods such as the Internet or mobile phones via the SIM card or IP registration.
Another area that the report considers that plays an incredible role in the invasion of our privacy are the website and backdoors business. The report suggests that backdoors, even if used only for government access, open security flaws in a system that could be exploited by those with more malicious intent.
Overall, many key points are made throughout the report to call for more transparent laws on online privacy. Certainly the power of governments may use to examine an individual's online information and personal data must be maintained. Many important notes on anonymity and encryption are mentioned in the report, particularly with regard to fair government standards to allow individuals to use and access tools to anonymity as those mentioned above.
The report urges states, nations, companies and civil society organizations to get up and campaign for a world open arms to encryption and privacy of individuals online. The report suggests that encryption by design should be, "by default for users worldwide and, where appropriate, to ensure that the risk to provide users with the tools to exercise their right to freedom of opinion and expression safely. "
The report, by Kayes, which comprises 20 pages, is available online here. Currently, we are at a time when the importance of the campaign for fairer standards to privacy is at a high level, this report presents a number of rules and thoughtful concepts that should be adopted worldwide . If you are concerned about the future of your online privacy, it is definitely worth a read.
There is no doubt that clearer regulations should be established, and if a state or a nation were to step and take the right steps for a more equitable approach to rights to privacy every human being deserves, it would be a great case study to encourage other countries to provide similar amendments to their laws and regulations regarding online privacy and anonymity. Hope this report raises a change in the world.
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