AnchorFree CEO David Gorodyansky recently published an article on, highlighting the importance of privacy and security in the Internet age.
The main points mentioned in the article
- Obama administration is ramping up efforts to strengthen cybersecurity America and make it harder for hackers to harm our economy and threaten our privacy.
- unprecedented demand for mobile devices (more people in the world have access to cell phones than toilets, according to the UN), further complicating legal issues regarding Internet use and what is private and public information.
- As the next five billion people come online (the majority of developing countries), they will spend long phones to smartphones. Privacy is essential for survival - both online and offline
- The amount of our data stored online will increase exponentially in the coming years .. Thus, the protection of security and privacy will become even more necessary in the next five years as we continue to digitize all aspects of our lives -. Fitness to home automation
- To preserve the Internet, we must make security and privacy ubiquitous, simple, and understood by all.
You can read the full article here.
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