, co-managed by the Federal Trade Commission is the federal government website to help you be safe and responsible online. is a partner in the Stop Think Connect campaign, led by the Department of Homeland Security, and part of the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education, led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
for me, I'm a big fan of the Department of Homeland Security, so I wanted to give some prospects EDS on wireless vulnerabilities and such encryption than can be achieved through Hotspot Shield VPN -right from the mouth of government: "WiFi hotspots in coffee shops, libraries, airports, hotels, universities and other public places are convenient, but they are often not secure . When using a hotspot, it's best to send information only to websites that are fully encrypted.
"you can be sure of a hotspot is secure only if it asks you to provide a WPA password. If you are not sure, treat the network as if it were unsecured. "
Encryp tion
You heard this blogger before, but this is what Homeland security has to say about encrypting your Web communications:
"encryption is the key to keeping your personal information online. Encryption scrambles the information you send over the Internet in a code so that it is not accessible to others. When using wireless networks, it is best to send personal information unless it is encrypted, either by an encrypted website or a secure WiFi network. An encrypted website protects only information that you send to and from this site . A secure wireless network encrypts all the information you send using this network "the other internal state security". Do not assume a WiFi hotspot is secure. Most wireless access points do not encrypt the information you send over the Internet and are not secure. "
Therefore, you get a wireless VPN! And use. Tips straight from the mouth of the DHS.
Robert Siciliano on Google+
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