7 ways to celebrate Data Privacy Day

10:41 PM
7 ways to celebrate Data Privacy Day -

Data Privacy Day on 28 January every year. This day is designated internationally as a time to focus on the protection and respect for privacy, awareness about the risks of data, and to allow consumers to be accountable for how and where their information is used.

Celebrate Data Privacy Day this year with the following activities to help you and others stay safe.

attend a Privacy Day Event data

You can participate in the Data Privacy Day events both online and in person. There are a number of events that can provide valuable information for professionals.

In Atlanta, you can attend private health living in a world fully connected to the Georgia Tech Academy of Medicine. San Francisco hosts the confidentiality of data Trends 2015. The second annual turnover of privacy Summit is scheduled on January 27 the confidentiality of data ensures Day, in New York.

If you are unable to attend an event in person, you can login to participate in webinars as EDUCAUSE Live: The Power & the Passion of Privacy to build something better . Twitter chats will take place on and around the confidentiality of data daily to treat current trends and concerns as well.

Share what you know about social media

Social media is a great place to start the conversation about data privacy. Hit the Internet on or around data privacy Day, and you'll find lots of coverage to explore.

Learn from the experts and professionals of the confidentiality of data. Discover the latest news about security breaches and take some time to delve a little deeper into what is happening.

Share the valuable information you find with friends and family. Even something as simple as a tweet reminding everyone of the most important steps to protect their privacy can have an impact.

Request a credit report

You are entitled to one free credit report each year from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. If you divide these, you can get a free credit report every four months.

It is important to look through your credit report regularly, as this is often where you find the first signs of identity theft. Your report may display accounts in your name that you were not aware or reflect inaccurate information.

If you have not checked your credit report recently, take a moment to request a free credit report in honor Data Protection Day. Put it on your calendar as a recurring task and stay on top of this important activity.

Update your passwords

We all know we need to update our passwords regularly, but not everyone really worth going to. Go through all your important accounts and change your passwords. Make sure they are not the same. Challenge yourself to come up with something completely original that you have never used before. Use a combination of numbers, letters and symbols and avoid any recognizable words.

While you're at it, set up a recurring reminder to do this again in three months. While it is certainly annoying to have to come up with a new original password every 0 days, remember that it is not nearly as annoying as relations with an account that has been hacked.

review your privacy settings

Your privacy settings control what you share with the world. Your social media accounts, blogs, email and other profiles you have created online have their own privacy settings. You can never think to look at them, but Data Privacy Day provides the perfect opportunity to start. Sign, read the fine print and check where your information is really going.

If you are not actively managing your settings, things like photos and Facebook updates are probably known to the public. Unless you have changed the settings on your smartphone, these photos can also contain geotagging information that indicate the tech-savvy predators exactly where your photos were taken. It is important to make informed decisions about where your information goes.

Do not forget to check the accounts used less, like those set up with online forums. If you create a connection to the website of your favorite magazine, you can also have a searchable profile where others can use to find you. In most cases, these profiles show no problem, but if you are sensitive to where your data is, you should take a magnifying glass to your online presence.

to make it easy for you, click here for instructions to update the privacy settings for all the different services.

Give your computer a Check-Up

You must always maintain updated antivirus and anti-malware software on your computer. Open yours now and make sure that everything is up to date. Go through the programs you use most often and download updates available for those as well.

Also, if you have not already, you need to download Hotspot Shield VPN application to protect your data against snoops and hackers. This is especially important if you regularly connect public WiFi.

If you've been putting off major updates to your computer, you might leave a door wide open for cyber criminals. The updates are often issued to plug the known holes that hackers have gained through.

You can give your computer a free safety check-up of the National Cyber ​​Security Alliance to ensure that everything is as it should be. If you find areas of interest, you might be able to leverage data privacy day deals to plug the holes.

Talk to your children

If you have children, Data Privacy Day gives you the perfect opening to start a conversation with them about the importance of data privacy. Children and teens today face temptations that most adults never had to think about their own school days.

A Pew Research survey found that 71 percent of teens see their school name on social media. Fifty-three percent from their e-mail address, and 20 percent after a cell phone number. In addition, 92 percent use their real name on their profile and 82 share their birth date.

It is tempting and easy to share more information as appropriate percent. Children often fail to realize how much and how fast an image or video can spread. Use this day as an important reminder for everyone in your family just how critical data security and privacy are on the Internet.

Day confidential data is a useful reminder that your privacy and information security is a concern that you need to face every day. Use this day as an excuse to give your own presence of a check-up.

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